August in September

It's going to take me about a month to catch up on the family events on this blog, but here is an attempt at recapturing August.

Needless to say, fellowship has been busy and August was certainly no exception. I was on call at the county hospital as the only fellow there. Which meant that I gained a lot of independence and got a lot of solo one-on-one time, but it also meant I was essentially on call 24/7 for an entire month. I spent several nights in the hospital due to some really sick patients and also got 1-3 phone calls per night for the whole month that it felt like I had a newborn all over again. 

So, once again it allowed me to lose sleep but also to gain perspective of how much I love small moments with our little family! 

It was still sooo hot all month, but we have gained a little tolerance and still go outside despite this. Exhibit A: the kids at the zoo looking at the otters.

I mean, can these two kids look any cuter together?

We feel like we've dodged a few bullets with the tropical storms, and instead just a nice showering here and there. And the kids are ALWAYS wanting to go out into it and splash around.

Basically when I wasn't at work on the weekends, we were otherwise occupied with Adler's social calendar. She had 2 birthdays in one day on one of the Saturdays. The first was this Moana ballet birthday at a ballet studio

The other was a pool party for our neighbor friend. It was the first party she got to drive to by herself ;). Teenage Adler is coming towards us at blazing speed.

And we also snuck in some pool time at the YMCA

And another weekend off I got to Leann's wedding in Lake Tahoe. It was a whirlwind trip of less than 36 hours, but it was so worth it!

Seeing my family from residency sometimes is just the ticket for a reset button

We got to dance the night away - well actually we danced until 9 pm because we all had a 1.5 hour drive back to Reno and flights that took off prior to 6:30 AM the next day :/

So, I continued with the no-sleep trend but between residency family and my real family, my heart was full even if my brain was dead.

Riggs has grown up a ton in the past month as well. I mean- look at his willingness to hang from a bar at gym class!

One of my favorite memories or moments from the month is when we decided on a whim to head out for a picnic in the park because we decided it wasn't too hot (it was only a heat index of 99)

Watermelon and sandwiches and we felt connected

And Adler continued to feel herself - she's clearly dressing herself these days!

That's a wrap on photos in August. There were more moments, more fun, but this was just the highlights. More to come when I go through a huge photo dump of pictures from our GLORIOUS vacation over the first week of September!
