The big one!

The title could mean quite a number of things but it is meant, of course, to commemorate the milestone in the life of Riggs -- he turned one!! We actually had so many things happen in the month of April so it's hard to believe that Riggs turning one could be overshadowed, but it could be. 

We of course had o many planned visits to the zoo, as per usual :;). It's Adler's favorite activity I think, particularly riding the carousel. Also her favorite these days? The leopard print skirt. If she goes into her room to dress herself (which is most of the time) we are 99% certain that it will be part of what she's wearing. Meanwhile, Riggs is trying to master the art of stroller napping. He's not very good at it....
But she's also turned into a classic "kid", one who wears dresses with cowboy boots or, more appropriately, with a cape and mask while riding her scooter around the neighborhood!

I wish we had a super hero for Riggs for his illnesses. Here he is at the pediatrician's office with one of two recent ear infections...before he got sick with rhinovirus and needed to go to the ER and to cancel his planned surgery.
He has sadly gotten sort of used to nebulizers too....(and fortunately they make him breath so much better that he can finally rest) 

Fortunately Adler has been healthy recently and we're trying to keep it that way with preventive care like dental visits. 
Fortunately between illnesses we have had some great moments of just two cute kids being adorable

Riggs got to have two birthday celebrations. The first one came after I had a trip to New Orleans for another conference. I left Tom with the kiddos for the weekend and I toured around a city of grits

and beignets 

But I landed just in time for a mini cake smash as a "warm up" to the real thing a few days later with Nana and Papa.  

Riggs wasn't the only one with a birthday to celebrate though. Adler got to join one of her friends from school for an epic birthday bash that included a crawfish boil
and giant water slides slash bouncy houses
and don't forget a ginormous cake!
My favorite feature of it thought was the hammock time with the kiddos by the river front:
For his actual birthday, Nana and Papa were able to make it to town (the plan was for them to be here for Riggs' surgery which ultimately was cancelled). But that meant we got to have a lot of really great fun with the whole crew!

We chose to make him a Little Blue Truck themed party because it's his absolutely favorite book
The cake was a hit by both children
He got some amazing babiators for his we just have to convince him to wear them!
His other favorite gift: a garbage truck from Adler
The day after his birthday was Easter Sunday. Sadly, one of the two kids (most likely) brought home a stomach virus that affected nana and papa, but not the entire house. So we had a bit more of a subdued party than maybe planned, but I can tell you for certain that Adler LOVED it.

The day ended with an amazing end cap for her--a trailer ride with daddy.
While Riggs got a nap on his favorite --- a snuggly rug in the house that has become his unofficial nap and snuggle spot. It's a unique habit of our little Riggsy.
We had some other really great memories with Nana & Papa but not many photos except these gems from the library:
The weather has certainly changed in Houston. It's no longer Spring, it's Summer here and we're trying to find all the water-friendly places around Houston.
We're exhausted thinking about the ways in which we'll entertain two kids in 100-degree heat
But we're so grateful for our central air allowing us to enjoy the simple pleasures like scones and a hot cup of tea in the morning. 
Sending happy vibes from this smiley one-year-old!
