Not one, but two rodeos!

 Just like February did, March brought a lot to this household. I, selfishly, got a lot of things that were just for me, not the least of which was a girls-night-out at the Houston rodeo with my co-fellows. It's been on our bucket list since we moved, but it hasn't been functioning since we moved because of COVID. 

We got to see Maren Morris, a country singer (well, duh) that I enjoy.


It was fun to explain the sights and sounds of a rodeo to two of the fellows that are definitely more "city girl" and were quite concerned about the wellbeing of the calves in the calf roping. But, that didn't mean we all weren't on the same page when it came to wearing boots to the rodeo. It's so great that we live within walking distance of the stadium!

The next big thing this month: Spring break. We had a full week including flanking weekends. We waffled back and forth for a LONG TIME about where to go, and how to spend our time. We considered just swinging for a week....but then thought some more.

 The kids didn't have any daycare for the week and we had the option to do a stay-cation of course, or go somewhere totally different for a few days before heading to Phoenix for my Gyn/Onc conference. We decided to go to Phoenix for the entire week, but not before enjoying a weekend in Houston soaking in the sunshine and (not too hot) weather. 

That meant we got to check the Houston rodeo off of Adler's bucket list too! 

So, we busted out our boots, our belt buckles, and our hats (yes, even the one from goodwill because Adler was insistent I wear a hat!). 

Adler was a huge fan of seeing all the cowboys and cowgirls, and of the snacks too :)

Riggs was just more interested in the snacks. But, this kid LOVES to rock back and forth and he definitely looked a lot like a cowboy as he rocked back and forth to the music in between events
We got the "cheap seats" but it made for a nice overall view of the main event

After the rodeo finished, we were off to Phoenix the next day. But, for the first time in...well I think the first time ever, we had an afternoon rather than a morning flight. So, while I didn't take photos, we got to sleep in a bit, finish last minute packing AND make a pie for pi day since we were flying on 3/14/22 after all ;). Thankfully my co-fellow was willing to accept the pie that was missing two slices from our lunch as we dropped it off on our way out of town. 

Adler was extremely excited to break in her new suitcase that she got as a present from Nana and Papa this year.


Once we arrived in Phoenix, we checked into our extended stay hotel with a full kitchen that allowed us to avoid going to a restaurant EVERY day and instead have some amazing vacation PB&J sandwiches in our room :)

Once we settled into our hotel, the time change (2 hours instead of just one thanks to daylight savings), 

we found our way visit Kiki and Jojo who now live there and are expecting a little one at the end of the summer. The timing was incredible as we were able to get there the week that they learned whether or not they were having a boy or a girl! They did it in such a cool way too -- they used squirt guns with colored water to spray on all the Velin kids and Tom and I were given the amazing responsibility of coloring the water for them! You can't tell from this photo (and I"m not going to upload the video because it never seems to work), but they are having a GIRL! There's some amazing pictures on facebook, but I only have this one.

We got to have some amazing cousin time, like a preview for "no parents allowed" weekend to come later this summer.

We also got to get outdoors for some hiking and it turns out that Adler really enjoys a hike (at least these short ones).

We went to the double buttes and saw the "hole in the rock" that is particularly famous. I was almost able to get a photo without someone in it, but it was tricky because it was such a popular hike (and it was such gorgeous weather that I think there were more people out.
The desert definitely has its appeal in the early Spring and not the late summer!
Adler spent a decent amount of time on Tom's shoulders, but only until we got to the hill and then she was all about climbing
This kid was just along for the ride though
And when it came to heights, this girl was brave and very excited
Reaching the top of the butte at sunset was so exciting for all!

 It truly was like a breath of fresh air. I really loved soaking in every second. Another activity for the week was checking out the Phoenix zoo. Turns out there weren't as many animals out and about as we had hoped, but they did have a carousel that made Adler's day.

But the next highlight was the splash pad

I enjoyed watching this big girl run around while Riggs tried to sneak in a nap

 We had great pool times together too

Riggs loved watching her sister swim!

They make a cute duo in the stroller exploring. I loved watching them discover the world around them together.

That is, when I wasn't obsessing over the presentations I was bout to give at the conference later in the week. I was selected for not just one, but two oral presentations in front of what was going to be record breaking crowds since it was the first in-person conference in two years. So, I prepared to present and Tom prepared to be a single dad while I did so. It looks good on him don't you think?

 They toured the children's museum which was particularly cool it seems


Meanwhile, I presented on my thesis work looking into a new treatment for ovarian cancer

 It was well received and it was great for me to get it off of my plate! It's amazing how much more comfortable I felt presenting the next day after having done one already. 

And while I was on stage for day 2

these kids were off to Spring training and a mariner's game

I'm glad these guys like each other so much because I was hanging out with the fellows a lot more than I was hanging out with them. Don't get me wrong, it's a great crew, but not as great as my nuclear family.

We all celebrated our first in person conference with the sort of "main event" of the conference - a rodeo of all things :)


The next, and final day of the conference, I was supposed to stand by the poster I made for my third project that was accepted to the conference

 but I ended up playing hookie a little and going off for a hike rather than attending the final session.


 I have to say, it was worth it to step away -- all thanks to Melissa who inquired about going on a hike 

The cactus were particularly exciting for Adler who had just learned about them on Go Texans day.


It was quite a day because we hiked, then traveled home But the kids were AMAZING on the flight.

I was pleasantly surprised that our broccoli was still alive when we got back to Houston!

After returning it was a bit rough with call shifts and such but we got to slow down a bit and soak in the rays at home with our at-home pool because, on 3/28/22 we experienced 87 degrees. 

And we got to do it with friends! Little baby Maggie got to hang out with us too.

Most recently I got the chance to do something really awesome too - attend an 80th anniversary party for MD Anderson with my co fellow Sam.


Even better, we got to have a VIP experience complete with very fancy apps before the big show that included John Stamos and the Beach Boys (yes, they're still touring).

With all these fun events and things going on thought, I've got to say that the best thing is still hanging out with my little family. 

We just got news today that Adler's daycare is going to have a spot open up for Riggs in May so they can be at the same school. It's bittersweet because it means this little guy is growing up, but we can't wait to have drop-off and pick-up at the same location!

Happy Spring from Texas!
