Joy in the new year

So far 2022 has been great to us. I finished my oral boards (and the ridiculous study schedule that it entailed), we renewed our lease for our house until 2024 when I graduate (and our landlords kept our rent rate the same!), Adler and Riggs both had check-ups with appropriate growth and milestones being reached, and Tom got offered a new job at AIG! The offer isn't officially official yet and I will let him share the official title once all the paperwork is signed :). 

 See what I mean? Lots of good things for the Glassman household this month already.

 I would be remiss if I didn't share one of Adler's favorite moments: picking out a present with her Christmas money from great grandma and grandpa Malikie. She has been eyeing these "soft toys" from Costco for months and asked for it every time we came. So, when she opened that Christmas card, she knew exactly  what she wanted.

This over-sized, stuffed cat made her grin from ear to ear for days on end. She can hardly even lift it because it's not only HUGE but it's heavy too.

But, that' doesn't stop her from lugging it around the house. She intermittently calls it "him" or "her" because, while it is undeniably pink/purple, she has named it "Duncan" and has not wavered fromt hsi name even after noting the name in the tag was actually "Kaylee." Suffice it to say, she has a new snuggle buddy and she's obsessed.

Earlier this month we also got a really special treat: another trip to see Uncle Nick and Auntie Jessica. At that time we visited we were approximately 1 MONTH out from their big day (wedding 2/19/22 in Galveston!) and they were in town to get their marriage license all settled. They welcomed us and it was so lovely to see them and excitedly talk about the wedding!

Then, inspired by our visit with them and discussing all their amazing hikes in Washington, we talked more about going for a hike in Texas. Also, Adler was particularly inspired by a book given by Grantie and Gruncle called "Let's go for a hike." She kept saying: "Mommy, we should go for a hike." So, I told her "Ok Addie, I'll find us a hike." So on MLK day we set out in the beautiful sunny weather in search of a hike. We found one at the ARmand Bayou nature center. Ok, ok, it was a "nature walk" and not a true hike like we traditionally think of it, but Adler loved it nonetheless.

Armed with a PB&J, carrot sticks, and her new binoculars from Christmas, we were set.

The half-way point of the hike led us to the edge of the Bayou. We pretended, just for a minute that we were on the shore of the beach back in Providence that we used to walk to. We found some crabs under the rocks, and some amazing birds roaming overhead.

Oh, I forgot to mention, we did this as a special trip with our Addie, Riggs stayed at daycare for the day and we got some solo time with Adler (the first time since hew as born!)

The shoreline was full of adventure, namely: MUD! I knew she would fall, but skipping rocks is important. The fall definitely came, and the mud definitely was plentiful!

There was also a butterfly center. But, given the mid-winter visit, we didn't see one : /

After that breath of fresh air, literally and figuratively, I decided to extend the holiday weekend one more day. Tom surprised me with THE BEST gift to celebrate being done with borads. (can you tell from how often I mention it that the boards was stressful to me?). Anyway, Tom got me a day of bliss at a gorgeous spa in Houston called Trellis. I started with a massage, lounged by the pools (this was, in fact, the "waiting room" before you had services...
...then replenished with scrumptious lunch in a sun-lit "tree fort" dining room.

Then, I splurged on a haircut and finally I got an amazing surprise as I was escorted off to this amazing venue for a pedicure and foot massage compliments of the Lippert Family!!

In between sessions I hung out in a room that I called the "relaxation grotto" even though I think it had a name like "tranquility room."

I think I had 7 cups of tea, I sat in a cozy robe ALL day, and I never anted to leave this quiet calm.

To think I could go through the circuit of outdoor hot-tubs in mid January and not be frozen in my robe is just a reminder that living in Texas (as much as I gripe about it) has perks sometimes.

The day of bliss did, of course, come to an end. But it has carried me through what is otherwise a relatively stressful month at work as I prepare for the annual gynecology oncology conference where I'm giving two oral presentations (eep!). But a very welcomed distraction at home these days is Adler's blooming friendship with her friend Annie.

And, of course, Riggs and Duncan... hahah

Adler has also had some social experiences that keep us all entertained. Of course, not without keeping her usual library appointment once a week ;)

This birthday party was particularly cool. An astronaut/space themed party with a hired puppet master that led a whole activity for the group of kiddos

And, of course, a pinata. But, unlike her pull string one, this was the real deal complete with baseball bat!

Finally, Adler is getting ready to be the "ring girl" and frequently practices carrying the pillow down the "aisle" of our house.

And this little man is getting bigger by the second and will be the perfect side kick to this wedding date.

He reached another big milestone this week too: feeding himself! Scrambled eggs :)

Adler is more independent and definitely has selective hearing at times (and pushes daddy's buttons) but fortunately, passed both her vision and hearing tests and the doctors this month.

And, she got her routine vaccines, like a champ!

Riggs is making friends (and apparently making pillows out of them) at daycare

And now nightly Adler is reading us a book before bed. It's my new favorite family ritual.

Between power tools, and gardening tools, we're trying to keep this girl well rounded.

Yesterday we had a day of mid 60's and sun and we planted some new herbs in our planters on the patio (just in time for us to get freezing temps this week in Houston...ugh).

Happy New Year to you all. Wishing you health, happiness, and all kinds of goodness from Houston.
