August escape

Just before we got to escape to Washington Adler  started to complain that her ear hurt. Tom was no stranger to ear infections as a child, but so far we have lucked out with her. But, sure enough, we found ourselves at the doctors office, one week before departure. She had a “raging“ ear infection. So, we had to figure out how to convince Her that bubblegum flavor antibiotics are actually delicious.

Turns out, whatever was giving her an ear infection definitely wiped out the rest of us to. Had cold symptoms throughout the house, but thankfully Adler has been practicing her doctor skills and had us all feeling better in no time

We had a chance to watch the opening ceremonies and some of the initial events for the Olympics. It was a special time for other as we moved a table into the living room to allow for dinner entertainment every night. This was a big deal. She also got to do artwork while we watch the Olympics.

To make for less tangles in her hair on vacation, we also snuck in her second ever haircut.

And on the last day of school before vacation, she had superhero day. She came up to me after school that day dressed in her outfit, and told me that her superpower was to “suck bugs”. I guess all of our comments about how there are so many bugs in Houston is definitely wearing off on her

The night before we flew out, she got to do one last swim class. She told us she was practicing for the lake.

Bright and early, we all got up and out of the house, and started our journey to Spokane Washington

Adler is no stranger to airplanes and she loves them

Somehow, despite all the forest fires, we were able to get some amazing clear blue sky views on our way in

And, at least some of us get some rest on the way

My parents picked us up from the airport and drove us straight to the family cabin and Hayden Idaho. We barely had enough time just set our bags down, before either excited they asked to put on her swimsuit and go to the lake

No, I took some adjustment for her because the water was much colder than her heated pool she was used to, but she figured it out. How cute is she?

Slowly, all the cousins started to show up, and it was like I was watching my own childhood replay in front of my eyes. This, is the staff of dreams. Families getting together, eating cereal as a group, and spending the day discovering the water, the words, and the imaginary stories about pinecones.

The adult support a little on fixing the old treehouse. But, after one night, we were given our queue, to leave the kids alone. After all, the whole reason we came, was for “no parents allowed“ weekend

So, Tom, me, and Riggs moved over to a cabin just down the road with Kristi  and Chad.

So, while the kids had a blast together

The parents  had a pretty darn good time too.

When absolute must well staying in Idaho is too frequent the hamburger joint, called Hudsons. I don’t even know if I can count how many times I went there as a kid. Family owned and an operation since the early 1900s it is just like it used to be. Almost nothing has changed, except the cutting board where they offer pickles and onions was retired after 30 years because of the large Divet created on the right from repeated cutting.

And of course, the spatula used to flip all those burgers had to be retired too. The nostalgia of the burger alone gave me all the warm fuzzies. Thankfully Chad and Tom put up with all of our stories and hyperbolic descriptions of the place. To be honest, I’m not even sure if the burger is even all that good compared to others, because of it’s sentimental value it taste better than anything I can think of.

We didn’t get hardly any updates of how the weekend was going in real time, but that was only because everyone was having such a good time.

Everyone was getting spoiled, there was no doubt about it

On Sunday, when I went to come and pick up the kids, we got to have one final day as a big group. This allowed for more baby snuggles hi Nana and Papa

And it ended with the capstone of Adler’s experience at the cabin: riding on the tube behind the boat.

We moved from one cabin to the next (how fortunate are we!?!?!) and journeyed to Cle Elum. First things first when we arrived: tractor work!

Adler got to sleep in a real big girl bed and even shared for a moment with Riggs

There was so much fun to be had, including a fun new play dough set from Grantie where she got to make her own pasta 

We took some hikes (ok walks in the woods…no real hiking because Tom forgot his tennis shoes at the cabin!)

There were deer sightings right out the back door 

And peace and tranquillity was plentiful 

I just wanted to stay and BE forever

Riggs liked it too, although I think he’d sleep anywhere 

He’s growing up so fast 

We also explored the beach at cle elum lake. Unfortunately the wind changed a bit that day and brought more smoke to us from the nearby forest fires 

But either way, we wore this kid out!

On our final day, even daddy wanted to try out the heavy machinery, like the excavator 

We had such gracious hosts who let us crash at their home for the week and make messes, noises, and distractions from their day jobs!! And we couldn’t be more grateful 

We attempted roasted mallows but Adler just likes them “plain”

Her snd Teddy made for fast friends and wore each other out 

And this little guy loved watching it all 

We never wanted to say goodbye but we bid farewell with a bit of Rock throwing 

And we were sure to stop in Thorpe for some AMAZING Washington apples, cherries and peaches before we left 

Adler got to spend her first night in a hotel and I think it was one of the highlights of the trip for her. It was an airport hotel so she got front row seats to all the flying action. 

After we arrived back home in Houston, we knew it was a successful vacation by the level of complete “passed out” that Adler achieved in the drive home from the airport 

Riggs got a pediatrician visit the next morning and we learned he’s going to need a small surgery in November (wait what! He says :)

And I came back to the joys of the dentist chair and got a new crown. The only thing that made it tolerable was that I got to watch it get 3D printed 

I feel refreshed but I have got to say, the heat in Houston is getting to me. That, combined with an ever increasing work load and schedule has me ready to say we need to move home PRONTO :)
