Losing sleep, facing the heat

The heat had rolled in. Feel a little silly saying so because I know the heat wave in the northwest was just as bad (or worse) than we have it. But it's remarkable how much we have adjusted. Just last night we went for a walk in the neighborhood after dinner. I asked Tom "what's it like outside." I knew something in me had changed when he said "heat index says it feels like 100" and I responded "oh, not bad, I guess we're good to go outside." Hah! Well, I guess that means our little man is going to be very used to the heat and also likely to get cold quickly when we do end up visiting a different climate!

Riggs got his first pool experience this month. He was definitely a fan.

...even if the photos don't seem to say so hahahaa

Of course, Adler is the ultimate fan. This pool visit was complete with her two besties, Claire and Reagan. We're soaking in the final moments with them before they move to Arizona this fall. But for now, we're still hanging on to the MD Anderson Triplets title.

While dad tends to the lawn (which grows SO fast right now when all it does is rain, then sun, then rain, then sun), Adler finds time to continue to enjoy her big toy.

And we've exposed Riggs to the heat at the zoo. We're slowly but surely getting him used to sunglasses. We figure if early exposure worked for Adler we'd try it with him too!

He really is growing up so quickly. He still hasn't quite figured out peek-a-boo but he is cooing all the time, Tom got a laugh out of him, and he smiles all the time. He was starting to sleep through the night around 8pm until 5:30 or so, but then we threw a few wrenches at him-- mommy taking a lot more overnight hospital shifts and starting a new daycare.

He threw his fists up at the idea but he's learning to like it.

July 1st was his first day of daycare so mommy and daddy did dual drop offs as a family. We took Adler to school first and had to take advantage of the photo-op they had set up for their fourth of july celebration.

Following this, mommy proceeded to hand Riggs off to his teacher at his new daycare, and then subsequently cry her eyes out in the parking lot! This was him and I reunited in the parking lot after a long day apart (and 2 outfit changes into his hand-me-downs that he is rapidly outgrowing!)

The transition to daycare is definitely a bumpy one. but we get photos from daycare loaded onto an app and he brings home the cutest art projects.

As the summer moves on, the city of Houston continues to open up more and more, so we get to explore more fun things. Adler is getting more brave at the children's museum.

Tom and Adler are like two peas in a pod in this museum. Riggs, more frequently likes to snuggle and nurse with me on a "park bench" in the kids pretend-city.

I have a lot of call shifts to make up for from being out on maternity leave. While I'm working, it's killing me to be apart from my family. Fortunately, Adler is getting really good at taking pictures to keep me updated. Look at this snap shot of Riggs that she took!

I finished a 24 hour call from the 3rd to the 4th around 9 AM on the fourth. So we donned our red/white/blue outfits and went to enjoy a lovely breakfast as a family. I tried my hardest not to fall asleep at the table (having had approximately 2.5 hours of sleep overnight between admitting patients to the hospital, running home to feed Riggs in the middle of the night, then going back to the hospital to round).

That evening we found ourselves searching for a way to see the fireworks. After learning that the only show was deep in downtown Houston we decided that we weren't quite old enough for us to be able to go with the kiddos. Our alternative? We snuggled up on a blanket in the living room, pretended we were lying out on the grass, and turned on the firework show on-air on TV.

It was a great family time but I definintely fell asleep while trying to stay "up" for the fireworks. The 5th brought a new day that was the observed holiday and we got to have more fun as a family! We ventured to the smaller science museum in Sugarland, TX.

And I caught up on some much needed snuggles.

Adler particularly enjoyed the butterfly exhibit.

She also really enjoyed playing "hairstylist" with me.

She is really working hard on her math and reading and it's amazing the progress Adler is making.

Meanwhile, this is my daily view. I'm so grateful for a window cubicle but I have to say that just snuggling riggs was a better view.

Our fellowship had its first ever in-person event since I arrived in Houston. A year in the making. It was a night of karaoke to celebrate the recent graduates. We were all required to attend in costume. I was dressed in one of the many costumes of Beyonce. Here i am with Cher, and Melissa who was on call so appropriately dressed in scrubs.

Our mottly crew was definitely a site, but it was so fun.

However, when I returned home close to midnight with multiple phone calls overnight from the hospital and going in to round at 6 am, I definitely felt like I AM TOO OLD FOR THIS. Thank goodness I get a reprieve with these guys this weekend to catch up on some much needed rest.

Every night we read Adler books and she often "tucks Riggs in" for story time. It's adorable.

Riggs also got to meet his new fellowship friend. One of the first-year fellows that just started this month had a baby 3 days before Riggs was born. Margot is adorable, and I feel like they are destined to be friends.

So, it's HOT in Texas, but that hasn't stopped us from trying to go and do things as a family. We're hoping to make it through another hurricane season without getting too bothered. But we'll see how it goes.

Our cowgirl says hello from Texas!

Belt buckle and all.

Can't wait until my next post because it will include updates of our much anticipated family time for our vacation week in August!!!
