Back at it

I’m sitting outside of adler’s music class (she’s going to be quite the well rounded girl-swim, music, soccer—I’ll soon need and admin assistant for her) and reflecting on the fact that my first official week back to work is over. 

Daddy got some great Riggs time! He sent me updates just like daycare used to and it was so helpful for me to keep my sanity (and from tearing up!)

And Riggs even helped him on a very important day! Daddy had a job interview with Charles Schwabb and they both looked sharp for the occasion! 

Don’t you think? 

Needless to say, Tom nailed the interview and was offered the job. Starting very soon he’ll be the senior policy administrator at Charles schwabb! We couldn’t be more proud or more excited. Tom now gets the opportunity to implement change in the financial industry and he’s the perfect man to do it! 

Adler officially started her swim lessons and had made HUGE strides in just a 2 classes. Firstly, no tears as she ventured into the pool by herself and also when she goes accidentally under water! 

Riggs is growing like a weed —truly. The 6-9 month onsies are already getting snug and he’s not even 3 months! I’m not going to be able to keep the fridge stocked for this kid as he gets older. But with a grin like that, he’ll certainly be able to charm me into buying all the good stuff. 

We officially hit the one year mark since moving to Texas. I attended the MDA fellowship graduation last night so it was the fist time Adler got to help give Riggs a bottle. She was a big fan of helping , but honestly was more excited about dressing him in his “Strega jammies”

My classmates and I are now officially 2nd year fellows! 

It’s weird to say goodbye to a crew that we’ve spent so little actually face to face time with, and it certainly makes me imagine how slow and fast it’s going to be until we are in the graduation shoes. 

After a lovely night celebrating, we were given the best surprise-this kid slept through the night for the first time!! I woke at 4 am on my own and thought for sure it wasn’t true, but he was sound asleep and didn’t get up for nearly another 2 hours!!

Adler gets bigger and bigger every day and passes another milestone today—the “I want to paint my nails” phase of her life has begun. Today she grabbed her library card and her matching purple purse and it was as if I could see her going off to high school 

Alright, music class is ending, so we’re off to the library to pick out some new books!

Sending love from Texas!
