2 months and so many life events

We've reached the phase of Rigg's little life where I feel like every single photo he not only looks different, he looks much bigger too. And I guess that's because he likely is a lot bigger. We weighed him yesterday and he was 15 pounds! so much for doubling your birth weight by 4-5 months like they say is normal, this kid is almost here at 2.5 months! I mean look at the difference between the photo in his Texas onsie and his Montana onsie: 

And he is getting a lot more love from adler  these days.

She's had a lot of new things in her life. From new experiences at school like 'super hero day'

We explored the health museum (which I must say was a bit of a disappointment but had a good photo op area inside an oversized heart:

We have definitely loved the re-opening after COVID and the freedom that we feel now that we are vaccinated. It truly feels like we are almost back to a normal life. We checked out the Discovery Green splash pad in downtown Houston with this summer-ready girl:

She was in love with it, but admittedly was wishing she had a friend like Lawson or Ali to run through the water spray with

We checked out an elementary school that is ranked highly (to better understand what we need to do to get her into a good 1st grade for during my final year of fellowship in 2023-2024). This was a very Dr. Seuss-like slide set at one of them, called River Oaks Elementary

Oh- our dryer bit the dust this month (and no, not because of the power-shortages in Texas from the extreme heat wave). And, thanks to my pappa and Tom I was able to order parts through amazon and watch a few youtube videos to fix it myself (well, Tom helped too but only once Riggs needed me, I swear)!

The heating element had definitely shorted out and I still kind of can't believe I could fix it on my own. Just goes to show you that you can do a lot more than you think if you have the time to do it.

Adler started her swim time at school -- because her school has a pool! How amazing is that? She loves it and it makes sense because the playground is just too darn hot this time of year!

We got to check out the Children's Museum of Houston too (aka "the kids museum) and it is PACKED with fun things to do. We've been talking about going here since we moved here, and the first week of June it re-opened.

There's a lot of exhibits, but one of them is a pretend grocery store. The kids get a debit card and get to check out and actually scan bar codes, etc! There's an ATM to deposit and withdraw. It's so lifelike it's almost scary!

Here's the main street in "Kidtropolis" which is far more empty in this picture when we were there for member preview day than it was last weekend when it was open for the general public again (wow was it packed!).

Riggs is tolerating the heat better than any of us I think, but he is certainly putting on the rolls and likes to chill out without clothes on pretty routinely.

I have gone back to work virtually since June 7th and I start back in the lab (in person) tomorrow. You can bet that I am trying to savor every last snuggle that I can. He starts daycare on July 1 so Tom gets a little solo dad-time next week before we transition Riggs.

He's a much better meeting companion that pretty much anyone I could ask for
In an attempt to be ready for the transition we've been trying out giving bottles to Riggs and let me tell you, this kid CAN EAT! He can down a bottle way faster than Adler ever did, and in much higher volumes too. It's going to be hard to keep up with him pumping milk at work!

Tom surprised me for my birthday weekend by locating an amazing local pie lady who baked me an AMAZING peach pie. We picked it up at a farmer's market ate it in the park and nearly melted as the heat index crossed 103. We now travel everywhere with fans

As we entered June, it meant the close of one full year in Texas and that we will soon be welcoming the next round of fellows. So we celebrated as a class with a dinner out (Riggs joined too but was hanging out inside being held).

Pause for a cute baby photo op:

Birthday dinner to celebrate 34 years on this earth was pretty fantastic. 

My fellowship program even aknowledged it with a cupcake (and serenade) at our first in-person fellowship event on the 16th. 

Most recently we packed in a ton of fun this weekend, starting with some ladder ball in the front yard (at 97 degrees at 945am)

We've also been frequenting the library, a new favorite of Adler--who now has her very own library card!

The kids museum highlight this week was constructing the perfect lego car to make it all the way down the tracks (*spoiler: they succeeded).

Riggs liked all the sights and sounds

And Adler loved the water tables outside, but it was super HOT.

Big sis moments are definitely getting cuter and cuter!

Lastly, today we celebrated an amazing Father's day. We started the morning with a nice egg and potatoes breakfast. Then we opened some gifts

Gifts that were adorned with some amazing art by Adler (this is a drawing of her, mommy and daddy--and daddy is on the far right "because he is a lot taller than mommy").

Then we checked out an amazingly up-scale bowling alley. It was Adler's first bowling experience and she bonded with her 6lb bowling ball almost immediately.

And she enjoyed watching daddy bowl almost as much as she enjoyed pushing the ball down the lane herself.

She rotated between using the ramp and pushing it by herself and she earned a few strikes and a few spares!

It was an amazing (air conditioned) family fun event!

And what can be better than ending bowling with a nice lunch complete with an ice cream sundae?

It was a beautiful weekend full of beautiful moments. Now we're off to the real world of work tomorrow. Wish us all luck as we try to settle into a new routine!
