Riggs is here!

Well I didn’t sneak in another post before his big debut so here I am to say, our little baby boy joined us in the world on Monday 4/12/21 at 7:35pm weighing 8lb7oz and measuring 21.25 inches!

Before I overload you with baby photos, let me just briefly catch you up on what happened between pi day and now. First, we made a delicious apple pie—this girl knows how to bake!

Over the last few weeks of pregnancy I was definitely showered w love starting at my lab who decorated my cubicle and brought in snacks and gifts for a very distanced celebration. 

Me and my co-fellows also enjoyed our first real event together since I started fellowship as Tom and I hosted a brunch morning during our annual Gyn onc conference. We were supposed to be in Seattle for it but obviously w covid that wasn’t happening, we we enjoyed it from our living room—complete with cinnamon rolls! 

Adler surprisingly was intrigued by the lectures. 

It was so nice to see my classmates in person! 

Adler loved to have the girls over for a play date too 

While mommy essentially had a play date of her own by seeing almost all of her co fellows in one room!! 

The weather is fickle around here but when it reached 82 degrees we took advantage (again) of Melissa’s pool—Adler’s favorite past time 

I’ve gotta say, it was definitely a lovely spot for a third trimester mamma! 

Next, Addie and I worked on planting seeds in the raised garden beds that Tom bought me for Christmas. A few weeks later than I intended, but I have hopes that things will work out before the heat gets to be too much. 

She really is coming around to enjoying all of mommies hobbies ;)

We joked that we were planting a watermelon but mommy already had a watermelon in her belly!

In prep for his arrival we got out all the baby toys and sorted what was appropriate for him and Adler loved pretending to be a baby again. 

But she’s definitely not a baby anymore even if she is my baby! She now enjoys “coffee dates” with mommy even tho neither of us drinks coffee! 

Candy land is a new fave as well—especially when played in a blanket fort with friends. 

As Easter came upon us we had so much fun! The neighborhood was full of fun decorations but the BEST thing was getting to see our cousins!! 

The Lippert clan arrived and not only did Adler settle in nicely with Lawson, she met all the kiddos and loved them all! It was so nice to finally meet in person. 

The lipperts know how to pack in the fun and we joined for a lot of it! The zoo was a hit for all

As was bbq take out

And, the favorite—pool time (the kids braved the low 70’s weather when I was not brave enough to even dip a foot! 

Adler had so much fun jumping in the hot tub over and over and over again! 

After the nasa museum the kids got to try out some freeze dried ice cream. Their assessment: it was fine but not as good as the real thing 

Easter morning brought lots of great times starting with a small Easter basket of goodies at home before meeting back up with all of the cousins 

The egg hunt of >125 eggs was a total hit with everyone. Stickers, chapstick, temporary tattoos and candy galore! 

Gwen and adler became fast friends (although she was befriended but all the kids) 

We had a great time sorting the goods—she’s definitely taking after mommy in a lot of ways 

This crew though, is one to make memories with for sure!!

After a fun filled and action packed weekend like that we were absolutely exhausted as caught on film by Tom...I’m sure I’ll regret posting this picture later as I’m sure it will be used to black mail me....

The next weekend brought about more amazing fun as my co fellows (with Tom’s amazing help) through me a surprise cowboy themed baby shower at a bbq joint. 

It was the first in-person gathering of this size in over a year! We are so thankful for the vaccinated status of our group! 

Nana and papa arrived just in time to celebrate the occasion as well. 

Later that same night we also got to go to an engagement party for our dear friends nick and Jess from residency at Jess’s parents house in Spring, TX. We were so grateful that at 38wks6days we were able to sneak in another amazing highlight as they were just visiting from Seattle where nick is in fellowship. 

The next day brought about another baby shower-but this one was virtual with my classmates from residency followed by a brief photo shoot to document the final days as a family of 3! 

I for one am so grateful that I didn’t have to bear the significant Texas heat in the third trimester!! 80 degrees with high humidity on the day before my induction was plenty for me to handle :) 

Little did we know the next day we’d get a call from the hospital to come in for an induction. We call it an “elective” induction because (fortunately) I didn’t have any complications that would be a medical indication for one. So, usually elective inductions get “bumped” for moms with more emergent issues but on 4/12/21 there just weren’t a lot of sick Mamma’s out there so that meant it was time to go! 

Labor was fast, and intense. We started around 1pm with a medication called pitocin 

Broke my water around 3 pm 

And he arrived at 7:35 pm. 

As expected, we were immediately in love. 

8lb 7oz of cuteness with chubby cheeks to rival his older sister’s. We were all surprised though that he was smaller than her! But I guess, she was born a full week later in the pregnancy :)

Because of covid we were only allowed one additional visitor and papa won that coin toss with nana (but allowed nana to have some more one on one Adler time). 

And papa obliged to my post-partum request for donuts!! 

Meanwhile at home Adler was getting along just fine without us—even tho it was the first time in her existence that Tom and I both were gone from the house at the same time overnight. 

But with the best nana and papa around, she had no complaints. 

We pretended for about 24 hours while captive in our hospital room (not allowed to roam the halls due Ron Covid) that Riggs was our only child. And trust me when I say I capitalized on the snuggle time! 

As we left the hospital we were so excited to bring him home to meet Adler. And we were once again stunned that we have two children born in RI and TX. Who would have thought?!?

Welcome home Riggs! 

It’s been a blur of middle of the just feeds and snuggles but we’re all healthy, happy, and enjoying this new time with our little man. 

Thank you all for sending your love, support and gifts to us!! 

Tom, Deanna, Adler, and Riggs 
