4.5 weeks and counting

It's half way through March, and that means many things, but the most notable for this family is that it officially brings us into the 1-month until baby brother arrives! Can you believe it? 

Somehow, in drawing closer to the due date, I have managed to be working MORE, not less, but that's all to be expected I guess?

 I started a new mouse-experiment that requires me to treat the mice twice per day, ideally once every 12 hours (but it ends up being more like once every 8-9). 

But, even just trying to get 8 hours apart, it means I inevitably have 9-11 hour work days. I start my days doing oral treatments (read as: use a plastic or metal tube to insert into the esophagus of the mouse as gently as possible and inject 0.2 cc's of chemo directly into their stomachs) and end my days doing the same. I feel like a fat lunch lady in my PPE required to treat the mice. 

 When not at work though, I promise you that I have been soaking in the time with my little girl before my heart gives way to loving another little human. 

Everyone always tells you that you can’t imagine how much you can love a person until you have kids—and they are right. But I also am now having a hard time imagining how I possibly have room in my heart to love TWO. Again though, I am sure it will come true just like the other adage did. She’s definitely a BIG kid NOW. She’s so independent, moving about, sharp as a tack, and full of energy. We can only hope she embraces her new sister role with open arms.

 She certainly enjoyed getting started on putting his room together 😊. 

 We moved the home office from the private room at the front of the house to inside our GIANT master bedroom. We decided, we didn’t need that much space in our room (it was essentially half empty anyway) and we would like to have him be in a separate room. Can I pause to just say I still have a hard time saying “him” instead of “her.” I just am so used to talking about the little one in my life as a girl!

 In other news, our plants that we planted prior to the winter storm survived and are now thriving and it helps us all to realize that spring really is here. 

One highlight of the past few weeks for me, personally, though was a surprise/impromptu trip to Montana to go and help (in a very small way) close the chapter on the Gibson Mansion Bed and Breakfast.

 As you all know by now, my parents have sold the mansion and are on to a new life’s work and adventure (the details of which are still a bit TBD which makes it even more adventurous!). I decided that after Tom took the bar and being that I was under 36 weeks pregnant, it was the only time to seize the day and go back home for the last time. It’s not to say Montana won’t be my home. But that mansion definitely felt like my home. Gibson Mansion will forever hold a place in my heart, my mind, my memories.

 As I packed up china tea cups with Kristi in the kitchen, I remember so vividly dancing on those same kitchen cabinets after unloading the silver tea-pots on top that we bought at auction. And as I snapped this candid photo of mom and dad in the parlor with Maggie it was as though all the precious moments in that room came to life – like sleeping in there as a shared bedroom with Kristi when we first moved, both of us terrified to step out of the room because we didn’t yet have all the creaks and corners of the hoes memorized. Or, painting it a beautiful green and dressing it up for the holidays where we spent Christmases “fighting” in our dice game over $10 gifts with family. To sitting on the heater in the main window, embracing the heat on an otherwise chilly day in Montana. It is forever in my heart. 

 So, while it is a somewhat bittersweet goodbye, I know that there are so many exciting things to come and we are looking forward to them all. And for now, I'm going to wake Adler up from her nap and start baking an apple pie, because it's pi day (3.14)!! Love to you all, and hopefully I'll post one more time before this baby arrives but I make no promises!
