Unprecedented times

After an unprecedented week in Houston, we find ourselves coming up for air. We can’t believe low temps and less than 1 inch of snow could cause such havoc, but more on that later. 

Since Adler’s birthday, we’ve had a mix of weather and intermittently will get to enjoy her new “big toy”

Or her big girl bike 

But all the at home fun couldn’t compare to the fun this girl had on our family vacation. We traveled to key west where we got to live with this adorable pup, Tango for the week. 

The house belonged to some good friends of my parents and was complete w a pool! Adler couldn’t have been more pleased by her surroundings 

All day every day pool time was her preference 

Except for maybe getting to go to the beach!

I know mommy enjoyed the pool time. Feeling weightless feels even better with an ever-expanding belly! 

She got to have sugared cereal for breakfast which she doesn’t get at home and she is definitely a fan 

But what can beat sunny skies and beautiful blue water and swimming time with papa?? 

Or better yet -pizza and ice cream with papa?

We also took Adler on her first ever boat ride— a ride out to the mangroves to kayak with auntie Kristi and uncle Chad. 

It was so great to reach areas where it was so shallow that she and daddy could go explore. 

Snacks on a boat, while we spotted sharks, turtles, manatees and sting rays! 

We also got to go explore the butterfly museum which was FULL of amazing flittering creatures! 

And one happy butterfly impersonator

Adler would only intermittently decide to nap— a “perk” of her moving up to the “big girl class” at school where only half the class naps and she gets to decide which half she’s in—-but when she did, mom and dad got to sneak away for a few Oceanside walks. Thanks nana and papa! 

But even if she didn’t nap, we were grateful for the happy moments in between Tom trying heroically to study for the bar exam while on vacation! 

I swear she grew up a year more since turning 3. And I just realized that this post and probably my last 3 years of posts have pretty much exclusively been about her or our world through her eyes. Guess that’s what parenting will do to you huh?

But I mean, cmon with this cutie around us all the time, do you blame me? 

Special treats w nana and papa top the charts in all of our books! 

Chad and Kristi joined us for a double date, our first date night I think in a full year thanks to covid, residency, and just life. We’ve got to work on that more now that we’re expecting baby #2!

When we got home from Florida Adler celebrated “100 days of school” where she was asked to come dressed as a 100 year old. It was rather impromptu for mom and dad who didn’t really see the email until we got back... but I think the sweater, pearls and bun did the trick don’t you? 

But truly the highlight of her daily life is this big toy. Every day after school it’s the first and almost only thing she’ll ask for and it’s amazing. 

She braved the neighborhood cat and they became good friends until she learned the hard way that not all cats like a belly rub—a scratch and bite later, Adler figured it out! 

Weekends recently have been mommy daughter days while daddy studies for the bar. The zoo is obviously a top choice for Adler, especially when it includes the carousel. She doesn’t even mind that there’s always a long line and it takes forever due to COVID cleaning processes between rides. 

We also got to complete a tradition together this month—

Strawberry footballs for Super Bowl Sunday! Definitely a favorite of Adler. 

We got to join the Stewart family. Between the good food and the girls playing we honestly didn’t watch much of the super bowl tho ....
Oh- and we snuck in a huge life milestone, a hair cut. 3 years in the making I’m sort of embarrassed to say.... but she did amazing with it, like it was nothing. And maybe it’s because I waited so long but mommy didn’t even shed a tear like many ppl joke about moms doing with a first hair cut

Mommy managed to smash her car mirror in the parking garage of a new daycare option for baby brother. But, thanks to Amazon and YouTube, it was a $37 fix! (And now to decide if I make it $87 and pay to get it painted to match the other one...)

Our valentine helped us prepare for the holiday by stocking up for the week before coming home to open some amazing gifts from daddy 

Dad gifted the option to plant flowers all year long, not just to enjoy on valentines! 

And we baked cookies as a family (of course Adler just ate the frosting mostly)

She’s adopted a “writing pose” that makes her look even more grown up in my opinion. 

Ok, then the weather. We were so excited on valentines about the potential for snow the next morning. And sure enough excitement ensued. 

It was chilly but we had all our gear from providence and it was a hit. Not enough snow to make a real snow man but daddy knows how to get creative 

 But then...it happened. No power. No water. For 3 days at our house (longer for many others). Daddy tried to continue to study at home in the ice-box while Adler and I sought shelter at various locations 

All the mixed up timelines and places meant no nap...u til we got in the car to move to the next known place with power, then it was power nap. 

We settled in at my program directors home with his wife and 2 sons- Robby (3) and Matt (6). 

They had a gas fireplace so even when we lost power there too, we could stay warm. 

Sleeping bags and spare bedroom tents made our lives pretty cozy despite the circumstances

Overall we feel lucky. I definitely felt sore and cold bc of sitting cross legged and hugging myself for 3 days trying to stay warm, but we had water stored up from what we bought in anticipation of hurricane Laura. And we had food to choose from and gas stoves to cook on. Lots of whining ensued from Adler and myself, but honestly we had it easy compared to so many and for that we are grateful. 

And warm meals and a bath after the return of power and water never felt so good!!

The days that followed the storm, a boil mandate was in effect so the lab wasn’t operational so I had some surprise days off and adlers school had water damage. So, Addie and I got a lot of time together and I cherished the moments. 

At the end of a long week, we celebrated w the Stewart family in our warm, well lit home. 

Now that it’s been a week, Adler and I had more dates to commemorate the final weekend before Tom is done with the bar exam and can escape from his office as of Thursday 2/25! We can’t wait and are so proud of him and his dedication. 

Our fruit trees may not have weathered the storm very well but we made out just fine and with better perspective than ever! 

Well, sometimes the perspective is lost and the pouty faces come out....

But we’re working on it 

Happy almost March! And happy 32 weeks of pregnancy!! It’s not long now people before we have a little BOY w entering our lives!! 
