
Well, I think it’s only been 2 weeks since the last post but a LOT has happened! And it’s now 2021, so let’s recap the end of 2020 which ended far sweeter than most of the year treated us! 
Before Christmas, Adler drafted her first letter to Santa, requesting one thing: a pedal bike. 

We mailed it on 12/23 so it was probably cutting it close :) 

The Christmas “break” was sort of a half hearted break for mom and dad because dad was studying for the bar and mom was trying to get some experiments done in the lab. 

But we still found plenty of time for our traditions including making tree cookies. 

Wrapping insanely large presents (more on that later)

And having a special treat for Christmas Eve: steak and crab. 

Our family blessed us immensely this year by sending gifts from afar (some of which we intercepted and wrapped before the recipient could see them). 

On Christmas Eve we dine like kings. Tom, of course, had his traditional moose mug of eggnog 

And I tried to re create a candle light service with my loves —turns out unused birthday cake plates work well as wax catchers. 

Our attempts at a family photo didn’t go so well...to dark, too hard to balance a phone on a couch, and too hard to get Adler to sit and smile...but here it is, for posterity 

That night after Adler went to bed we got the pedal bike delivered from Santa all dressed up and ready for the big day. 

The morning of Christmas we started with stockings and the tradition of getting breakfast cereals

Look at all those goodies! 

I think as far as Adler is concerned just stockings would have been enough—but little did she know what all was coming her way! 

Seahawks jerseys, slippers, new clothes, new puppies, new play tables and a tent (called her House), and a SLIDE for the swing set due to be assembled by Nana and Papa on her birthday weekend. 

She was in love with all the things. 

We got quite a few adorable things for our little one on the way too—included a father-son marching set of Dicks cheeseburgers t shirts. 

The bike was the last present of the day. She loves it. Skeptical at first, but she got so brave by the end of just one day. 

We are going to have a hard time keeping up. 

Since the swing set wasn’t going to arrive for several weeks, we ended up with a slide in our living room which Adler adored (and surprisingly we kind of found it fun too) 

But her house was a big hit. 

The following week I had a lot of mommy-daughter dates since day care was closed and I cherished the moments! Not much longer for just her and I and definitely a different life than what I led in residency. 

She loves her hot chocolate dates— now if only I could find a place in Houston that serves a chai I love...(first world problem). 

On New Year’s Eve we even ventured to a new museum - the sister museum to the one we frequent all the time. This one was in Sugarland and had some different dinos. 

I swear she didn’t pose like this :) 

New Year’s Day I was on call with an all female team and it made for a fun morning of rounding. 

After the holiday we got to don our new hawks gear and settle in for a win...and our hopes remained alive for the super bowl for at least one more week 

Then Adler started her new Big Girl Class with the 3-6 year olds just 3 days shy of her 3rd birthday. 

On 1/7/21 we welcomed a new year, the Big 3, with nana and papa arriving just in time the night before to be able to surprise her in the morning. 

She loved her 3 balloon but not as much as the company. 

We all got to share a lovely breakfast before I was off to the lab for the day

And Adler and the crew set to work building the “big toy” 

Pacing along the lumbar was half of the fun

That evening we celebrated w ice cream sandwiches for celebration 2 of 3 (she got cupcakes and a party at school on the day before). 

Friday evening we all set to work creating a cake for her zoo birthday- a giraffe cake! Papa and I did most of the designing and creating but it was a team effort for sure and it’s amazing how much faster it came together than the husky from her first birthday. 

Tom got to work on the finishing fondant touches. 

Papa piped and I orchestrated 

The next morning we met up with her friends with the exact same birthday- the twins in my program, Claire and Reagan and of course their parents Katherine and josh. 

It was brisk (for Houston) but gorgeously sunny

The girls had a blast celebrating and snuggling their new stuffed animals for their zoo themed party. 

I mean, they’re a pretty cute bunch don’t you think?

To make the day even better Adler even got to go on the carousel!

Her and Reagan are definitely buds 

The swing set came together beautifully complete with pre drilled holes ready to hang up the infant swing for baby brother! 

Whew, a lot for 2 weeks! And a lot of fun for all. We are so excited for our girl and her moving up in the world to a big girl —complete with a transformed room with a big girl bed! 
