Good times, in spite of the ‘Rona

It’s hard sometimes to keep perspective, but I have to admit that we’ve had quite a few wonderful moments and memories despite the coronavirus affecting every aspect of our daily lives. I complain about living in Houston to those closest to me because I miss the mountains, the ability to hike, and lack of proximity to the ocean. However, I often underscore the amazing piece of living here—were able to go outside all the time and (generally) aren’t too cold!! It’s not New England, and getting out to the park and the zoo is much more pleasant. 

To prove my point, let me catch up on halloweeen (so embarrassing to be posting about it in December!!). Our little Adler got to transform into a cowgirl AND an astronaut (how Houston is she?!?)

Daddy made an amazing transformation of her wagon into a space shuttle. 

Adler chose cowgirl for her school celebration 

But her real costume was the astronaut!! 

It was a gorgeous Saturday and we started the day at the zoo 

And, because I was on call I rounded at the hospital in the morning I had a built in costume! 

The true costume didn’t come out til later. Adler asked us to dress up as a ballerina and a “builder”. And, let’s be honest we give to her wishes almost without blinking. 

Halloween in Houston is a whole new experience, especially during covid. It’s like one big tailgate party. 

Her “haul” at the end consisted mostly of snickers which is all she wanted to pick up (she snuck a taste in the shape ship and as far as she’s concerned, no other candy exists). 

Here she is on a mission for snickers—she ended up walking away empty handed because she rather have nothing if she can’t have a snickers. 

After those festivities we had plenty of other great fall fun moments!

Adler finished off her swim classes, which were a strange disappointment in terms of actual “lesson” learned, but fun nonetheless 

We joined in on s’mores and pool time at my co fellows apartment complex —Adler LOVED her marshmallow obviously :)

We got to explore for gators 

A first for all of us, for sure!

Can you spot the gator?

We had plenty of couch cushion nights, one thing we’ve gotten very good at in 2020. 

And Adler has progressed A LOT in her soccer class! 

Friendsgiving was MUCH smaller than last year (where I think we capped it at 28 ppl!) 
But we enjoyed a lovely evening w my two co fellows Sarah (and her fiancé Loren) and Melissa. 

We combined it with a birthday party for my co fellow Sarah as well, so it was even more festive. 

Adler loves hanging out with the girls 

A happy moment for us all! 

Happy birthday Sarah! 

And what’s thanksgiving without pumpkin pie? Tried out a new recipe this year with great success :) 

Then my co fellows also hosted this amazing covid friendly reveal party for us too! Tom had known about the sex of baby #2 since week 9 and kept it a secret. 

I (and Adler) were very much expecting a girl — and much to our combined surprise the cake was blue and we’re expecting a baby boy!!!

Can’t wait to see this little man 

On thanksgiving day we met up with my co workers for a nice informal turkey trot with appropriately distanced good times! 

Adler tested out her arts and crafts handiwork-she’s gotten pretty good don’t you think? 

Then Tom, who perfected his turkey the week before, dazzled us again on the real day. 

Following that, it was all Christmas in this house-starting w the felt Christmas tree in the sitting room 

But, what would life in Houston be, if you didn’t go out in the rain on a December morning??


Then we were off to find our annual Glassman family Christmas tree. We found a lovely little tree farm that allowed us to pick and cut our own tree. Slightly different than our normal fir  variety, but it certainly fits the bill!

And we got to dine on hot chocolate, wheat thins, oranges and skittles after the hunt. It was perfect. 

Christmas cookie baking came next. Mmmm. 

What a beautiful addition to our home!

We got to get some family pictures snapped as well (as I’m sure you saw in your Christmas cards that should have arrived by now!) 

Adler was definitely tuckered out by the end of our informal shoot 

And next time, we’ll have a photo op with this little nugget too!! 

Zoo lights in Houston does not disappoint!! And we even got a cold snap that warranted the use of coats and nice hot cocoa!! 

Look at the gorgeous decor!

Adler had no better luck this year than last in terms of meeting Santa— even from a distance! 

Christmas movies with cocoa are just the best this time of year. 

We tried our hand at meeting a ballerina too (a perk offered at the science museum we are members of) but she remained shy! 

Houston in November and december definitely has its perks. It provides a lot of lovely bubble weather! 

Tom finally got the final pieces of all his hardware as more objective proof of all of his hard work all year!

Next Christmas festivity: gingerbread houses :). That lovely roof pattern of candy—that’s all adler’s doing!! 

Meanwhile, this is a shot of the day in the life I’ve been having in lab. Pipettes, test tubes, graph notebooks, and miscellaneous bottles of chemicals. I’d love to say I’m on the brink of curing cancer, but i hope that I’m adding to the effort in a meaningful way! 

Just last night we roamed the neighborhood to see the gorgeous lights and displays of our neighborhood 

It’s been a rough year with a lot of ups and downs. I tend to focus on the negative more often than not. But I’m going to try to focus on all the amazing things we have: a lovely home, our health, and each other. Merry Christmas to all!! We miss you!
