Cousin Time!!

We had an amazing weekend surprise last weekend as Kristi and Lawson joined us in Houston for a whirlwind of fun times!! 

From the moment they woke up on Saturday they were basically inseparable. Adler literally jumped for joy when Lawson walked out of the room for the first time  

We had a full agenda that first day given Adler’s soccer practice and swim lessons. They unfortunately didn’t get much sleep since they flew in late and had an hour time change—but Lawson was a happy cheer leader despite that! 

No one could stop them from exploring the big toy in the park even tho it was a brisk 60 degree morning. Adler usually doesn’t venture on half of these things alone (scaredy cat) but with Lawson she was a whole new big girl!

Next stop: a farm that was advertised as a pumpkin patch but was really like a fair or carnival that happened to have an area of pumpkins near the exit :) 

The adventures didn't stop as we picked out amazing pumpkins
And then carved them in 75 degree weather that ended with a water fight!
The next day brought more fun as we explored the downtown aquarium!
Lat but not leaset we snuck in a trip to the zoo before we had to say our goodbyes at the airport. It was the trip of all trips.
