A month of memories and big news

I thought I had been keeping up with this blog but it turns out there’s a been a lot of things going on since the last post!

Tom turned 36 and we had a lovely birthday weekend

It included soccer practice

Swim lessons 

The Houston space center 

Some AMAZING Houston BBQ

And of course, cake and ice cream!

It was a fun day had by all for sure. After checking the space center off of our list of to-do’s in Houston we went for another one called Bayou Bend Collection and Gardens 

Next up? We got some brand new chairs for our “empty room” in the house and Adler loved the packing material

But all that excitement couldn’t top the excitement we all have for our BIG NEWS! We’re expecting baby #2 in April! My co-fellows were so sweet and brought over this amazingly celebratory cake to commemorate the occasion. 

Adler enjoyed every bite of (mostly just) frosting. 

She hasn’t quite grasped the concept of big sister yet but she’ll get there! 

Our little one is now the size of a lemon 

All the while, as I was struggling to find foods that were remotely appetizing thanks to first trimester nausea, Tom worked on accomplishing something HUGE! He completed the Kona Iron man 

3.84k jog to take place of the swim since we don’t have a way to swim safely here 

26.2 mile run (aka marathon) and a 112mi bike ride. 

Adler helped me keep him hydrated and replenished with smoothies and TONS of “blue water” aka Gatorade 

It was so hot outside that about half way through the bike he made the (very wise) decision to move indoors and finish on the stationary bike. 

The finish line ended up indoors and not with all the frivolity I was hoping for (and what Tom deserved) but it was an amazing finish nonetheless. 

His official medal is pending in the mail so instead I showered him with all the training medals he earned while qualifying for this race 

He has amazing willpower and stamina and it’s commendable that he finished so strong. He’s 100th in the world of competitors and he is 1st in our world. Even crossing the finish line is unthinkable for many (like, um, me) but he did it!! Congrats Tom!!

Lots more to come in the next blog, all of which was documented on Facebook (thanks Kristi) but I’ll work on posting it here so I can continue the online story book that this blog turned into (now over 10 years running!)
