Getting pushed

If only I could show you what I'm up to these days. It's not for squeemish that's for sure (although I guess surgery on humans isn't either)...but somehow I imagine that people would be more squeemish about what I'm doing with mice than what I've ever done with humans, but perhaps that is overstating it. Just imagine me picking up, holding, injecting and euthenizing hairless mice, with bellies full of tumor. It's something. 

 My days are mixed between zoom lectures for my Master's Degree in Biomedical Sciences, training sessions on how to inject and/dissect (aka "take down") mice, and participating in departmental meetings about gynecology oncology.

 One thing is certain: I know that the department of people working here are "my people." Every time we have a group meeting, I feel grateful for the crew and significant excitement about what life will be like when I hit the "clinical years" of fellowship.

What does that mean about right now? It just means that I am outside my comfort zone. Adler has gotten pushed outside of her comfort zone lately too. The pool time at the YMCA has been an amazing source of weekend fun.

Interestingly though, she actually got cold during her most recent trip to the pool -- a true sign that we are all adjusting to the Houston heat. She swam until she was pretty uncomfortable, then voluntarily got OUT of the pool before it was time to do so, a truly unprecedented event. 

 On a more major scale, she was definitely pushed outside of comfort with her first soccer practice lesson. She dressed the part and even had soccer themed sunglasses But alas, she was very intimidated around a group of new people/kids doing things she's never done before. 

I swear she didn't like it simply because she didn't like feeling like she didn't know what she was doing (don't we all feel that way!). 

She cried and asked to be picked up the entire time. At the end, we ran into a "team mate" on the walk home sho bonded with her of her love of dogs, the movie Frozen, and playing. perhaps next week will go over better.... 

 We've spotted some pretty amazing new critters in our yard to. I mean the variety of arachnoids is actually quite remarkable. Have you ever see spiders like these before?

 It's our hope that these puppies will help to lesse the burden of other pests in our yard, but i think the weather is going to help with that. Now, speaking of weather, we got what I was expecting to get with Hurricane Laura but instead we got it with tropical storm Beta.

 I never heard the final official numbers, but we got at least 12 inches of rain overnight this week. I'm sad to report that our garden is just not going to survive this.

 Tom and Adler went to check out the Bayou levels and got caught in a downpour. it's the strangest thing, you can't predict when it's going to DUMP rain on you....just when you think it's let up, you get poured on. ?I guess it's just like a shower?

 With all the humidity and rain, Aadler is definitely developing quite the curls!

 It's a little early for October-related activiies, but we couldn't help but embrace the cooler temps and decided to do a little project this weekend, credit to the dollar tree. 

Adler was very excited to make this "pumpkin shark" well, I think her questioning/disappointed face says it all...not quite as advertised.

 Turns out you need a much larger pumpkin than a small styrofoam one to pull off this look.... But either way, we had fun! 

 Hard to believe it's almost October! I'm definitely ready for "fall" even if the temps feel more like summer in other parts of the world. I still can't quite fathom hot tea in a sweatshirt outside (ironically i do that inside in the AC all the time) but I'm sure that too will come. Happy fall y'all!
