The Storm that wasn't

 Hurrican Laura first came to our attention a few days ago.   It was weaving it's way through Caribbean islands and was gaining strength.   Early models suggested that there were many scenarios where this storm would hit Houston.

All of Houston began buying water and flashlights.   The Houston Chronicle ran a story about things Houstonians wished they had known before their first Hurricane.  

We were quite freaked out.   

We dutifully pulled all of our yard furniture inside, tied down fence and shed doors, and went to Costco where we waited in line to get in, waited in line to check out, then waited in line to fill up with gas.   The storm was being compared to Hurricane Rita where some people in Houston were without power for a week.   and hit JUST on the Texas side of the TX/LA border.  


For context, Harvey hit the coast WEST of Houston, keeping the city in the rain band and also getting hit when the storm turned Northeast.   

Luckily, the storm did not continue on this and headed north/northeast.   

The storm's winds were actually the 5th fastest in history and have caused significant damage to Southern Louisiana.  Deanna and I ate lunch Thursday looking up at the blue skies feeling as though we had dodged a major bullet.   Fingers crossed we don't see another storm like that any time soon. (or ever).   
