
I realize that Tom recounted the recent events of the storm today in a different post…


....but little did he know I was planning to post something too because. In part because I have a lot of fun photos to share, and in part because I’m about to gain a lot more since we’re heading away to Seattle on Saturday!!! I have an early vacation week (considering I’ve only been at work for 2 months) but we are so incredibly ready and excited to be able to get away and have a little non-Texas fun!

Prior to the storm fun, we got to celebrate our 11th anniversary by exploring the beach just south of Galveston, a place called Surfside. The terrain on the way there was definitely different than our usual pre-beach views -- you can tell we're in the land of oil and gas now.
It was a little slice of heaven.


It's definitely a tourist town, but we had a fabulous time.

The beach had options for a gorgeous walk-on option as well as a drive up section. We avoided the crowds of the drive-up beach for our time on the beach, but then had a nice view of it when we had our lunch. The view was great, the grub was satisfying to say the least.

Adler got an amazing first as well - chocolate milk! I can't believe she's made it this far without having it (at least not in our presence :). She LOVED it.

We definitely wore her out.

In between normal work days I got the experience of spending 8 full hours on zoom in a "break out room" while we interviewed candidates for the fellowship to start next year. I can't believe that's happening already.

This is mixed in with some time at the zoo for the outdoor good times with the animals :)

And, of course, some pool time at the YMCA. 
There's been intermittent rain storms mixed in with the hot sun and Adler LOVES to wear her rain boots. And I think she looks like such a big kid these days.
A big kid that likes to play with teddy bears with daddy :)
So, as we prepare for an escape from Texas we are filled with gratitude that we avoided hurricane Laura (or more realistically it avoided us). We are so grateful and we're so looking forward to getting some family time next week in the Emerald City!
