Back to work

Tomorrow I go back to work and switch from trying to stay away from work so I don’t infect colleagues to trying to stay away from home so I don’t infect family.
I prepared for going back by stripping the foam edge off of the 10-year old masks my mom sent from Montana. They’re old enough that the foam started to shed and would coat my nose and make me sneeze. But they are fully functional and I am so grateful to have a mask to wear at work that is actually medical grade. 

I start on the high risk OB service and my job will be to care for all high risk pregnant patients which includes any suspected for confirmed COVID cases. As such, I’ll be living life upstairs, separated from Tom and Adler for the week. My heart aches already at going from seeing them 24-7 to not at all.

 But, we’re going to do our best to be safe and not infected. 
We enjoyed what felt like a day of last suppers today by spending time in the sunshine for an egg hunt and splurging on not-so-good-for-us foods like cinnamon rolls. 

Adler had a great time baking but eating them was far superior 

It took her a while to get into the egg hunt 

But she figured it out after all was said and done. 

Happy Easter!

I’ve said it before that I feel like I’m taking a deep breath before diving underwater. It feels even more heavy than that tonight because I know I’m going to interact w COVID directly tomorrow. I’m in such a better place than countless healthcare workers out there, with healthier patients and a lot less burden. But it’s hard not to just crave being able to stay at home with these two even if we feel stir crazy at times. 

Love to all from Lil Rhody! 
