Shelter in place

It finally got enacted in Rhode Island. Shelter in place until 4/13/20. No one else we’d rather be quarantined with than our little cowgirl.

I spent the week serving the role of OR coverage. If I had to pick, it’s my preferred role. I the only resident in the OR for non-c-section cases. So it meant I got to do a LOT of surgery this week until we finally cancelled all elective surgeries at our hospital partway through the week.

Now there are only c sections and cancer surgery happening at our hospital.

We’ve been faring well at our hospital, so far only one confirmed COVID positive labor patient and a handful of staff members. We have enough masks for now but we’ll be taking advice like what I saw on Facebook today about a safe way to store masks and our them on again without touching the mask itself.

 So far no residents have tested positive but some of our attendings have.

Our midwives have been sewing masks for us.

And Adler is working hard at potty training 

This is all so surreal. 

The residents have been trying to keep sane by issuing push up challenges across the hospital.
