Prepping for the madness

We start a new emergency schedule for the residency tomorrow as we prepare for a onslaught of cases of covid coming to Rhode Island. Tom and I enjoyed the amazing sunshine weather this weekend as I soaked in an almost completely “off” weekend. I only had to work for about 6 hours on Saturday which gave us lots of time to hang out, snuggle, and eat a lot!

We had time to make some good old fashioned French bread.
 Adler got her own bicycle from chi and Karen! No pedals but so much fun to have her first bike!!
 The residency is converting to all meetings online to keep our social distancing. You can see how the residents handle their days off—lots of hoodies and babies!
 We got to see jelly fish at the India Point State park, but they don’t photograph as well as the ones from the aquarium so we didn’t snap any.

Now I prepare for wearing a mask constantly at work and decontaminating at the door, trying to stay covid free.
