I can’t believe I let it go a month before I posted again.

It’s well known by now through the grapevine and the Facebook updates that I matched for fellowship at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, TX! It is one of the top programs for gynecology oncology in the country and is home to a lot of former Brown Ob/Gyn residents. I honestly still can’t quite believe that it’s real! It is a four year program, with two years of research followed by two clinical years of work. It’s a new life in a new city, with a lot of unknowns to come!  
My classmates also matched at great places to. We are all headed all over the county to places like Pennsylvania, Colorado, Connecticut, Washington, and Texas.
I found out where I matched while one of the busiest rotations of the year and it was definitely a long, stressful week that ended with a 24 hour shift on Friday and a 12 hour shift on a Sunday. The in-hospital census felt like it was at an all-time high it was so busy in the hospital. The junior residents on my team even got me some chief resident socks for the rotation. So, I’d say it took me about 3 weeks to really even process the news!
But after the dust settled we were able to enjoy the Halloween festivities with our little lion including pumpkin carving!
We got to check out the Spooktacular to see the amazing pumpkin display that is truly like works of art. 
She wandered through the zoo and wasn’t quite sure what to do with trick-or-treating 
until later in the week when we went to a “trunk-or-treat” outside the hospital. It was there that she discovered “candy” and also what popcorn is and how much she LOVES it!
We had our residency retreat after match day where we got to make blown glass ornaments. 
About a month later we welcomed Meri and Jimmy’s first little one so that Meri doesn't have to just hold someone else's baby anymore!
Baby Ameilia at 7lb7oz after a labor that made mom and all of her colleagues palpitate! 
Let’s just say watching little Amelia’s heart rate tracing in labor mad me have a high heart rate 😊
Shortly after Amelia was born we got to celebrate Ali’s third birthday! It’s crazy how we’ve all grown up, our kids included, over the past 3 years!

We have all the warm fuzzies between the birthday party and my parents being in town to snuggle with Adler. Nanna and Pappa time is truly special.  
Now on to the next phase of residency, trying to wrap up a lot of loose ends and figure out how to move ourselves across the country all over again! Hopefully our toddler that is going on teenager can help us out too :) 
