Up and breathing

Well, I was right before when I said that I was "going under" for three weeks of nights. It really did feel like going under. Partly because I got what I can only assume was the flu while I was on it. I don't think I've been that sick in a LONG TIME. I spent three solid days on the couch unable to do anything but drink some tea occasionally, yack up a terrible phlegm, take more fever-reducers, and fall back asleep. Poor Tom was stuck with caring for me and a toddler all weekend long (which is what he usually does but I can usually chip in more than what I was able to this time). So they spent some quality time at the children's museum and the zoo as well as at the pool!
I didn't get myself up off of the couch to go and get a swab to confirm it, but if three days of 103+ degree fever isn't the flu, I don't know what I had...
But, once I finally recovered, my mom was here to help put me back together again. 

And she had some great times with Adler. She taught her how to "run" :)
She and her got to play outside in the gorgeous fall we're having 
Paint pumpkins,
Adler also made it home with quite a few surprises over the course of nanna's time here: 
 Including new clothes (that Adler loves to pick out in the morning btw). 
Tom has been motivated to work on potty training. 
We had a big success over the weekend that he even documented it in a photo! Adler's first pee on the potty :)  
 This is us celebrating in line for the Jacolantern Spooktacular after my 24 hour call. I look exhausted and so does Tom, but for different reasons. I was tired from delivering babies...he was tired from caring for ours!
 In other big news, Chi Fong and Karen welcomed their newest member of the family - Baby Willow Davies on 10/11/19 at 11:42 PM weighing in at 6lb 3 oz! 
 She is SOOO tiny, AND SOOO CUTE 
 A pretty cute juxtaposition between willow and Meri's baby bump! Can't wait to also meet her little one in mid November!
 Ali is fitting into the big sister role pretty well already. 
 In all of her 6 pounds of might she's too small for the newborn jammies and the car seat!
 I think I could carry her ALL day now that I'm used to my 30 lb toddler!
 But, my toddler steals my heart every day, no matter how cute a new baby might be. 
 She's getting bigger and exploring things every day and it is so fun to watch her grow

 And today when I had a glorious day off we spent some time looking around for costumes and she would not leave the store without this lion. I'm not sure that's what she'll actually be for Halloween but it will certainly make an appearance during the season. 
 I'm all tuckered out like this kiddo was today after our morning adventures. 
Time to rest up for a big week. Match Day is on Wednesday. I will open an email at 12 PM eastern time that will tell me whether or not I matched and, if so, where it will be. Then, the real craziness can begin. Sigh. Soaking in my day of bliss with my girl today before I think about the who/what/where/when of tomorrow. Goodnight all!
