Going under

I definitely let my schedule at work dictate a lot of things about my life, partially because it has to, but I do think sometimes it is to a pathologic degree. For example, I'm heading into 3 weeks of the night shift and it feels like I'm going to get pulled to the dark side or into a hole. I shouldn't let it affect me as much as it does--but when you are used to your simple/crazy day time routine that includes seeing your toddler and tucking her into bed every night after a bath, it makes it hard to know that I don't get to do that for 3 weeks!

But, alas, here we are. Before I finish residency I will only have to do this 2 more times....two more 3-week sets of the night shift and I'll be done with residency! And, I have to keep perspective that during this block of nights, something important is happening --I am submitting my rank list for fellowship applications AND my mamma is coming to visit :)

So, let's just take a moment to celebrate the great things about the last few weeks when I was on an outpatient surgery rotation!:

1. I got to operate, a lot. I gained a lot of experience and reinforced the great and the bad that comes with being a surgeon. Also, I got a LOVELY sentiment and gift from one of my patients that made me nearly cry out of gratitude

2. Adler is getting more and more confident at swim class and I actually got to see and participate in the class because I wasn't away on a trip or on call!
 3. I got to host a baby shower for Meri (due 11/20/19) and Chi Fong (due 10/14/19) both expecting baby girls!

 4. We survived our first bout of a reactive airway with Adler that required a trip to the pediatricians office, a near admission to the hospital, and our first experience giving nebulizer treatments
 Below is a picture of her in the waiting room post-treatment! Like a whole new baby girl!
 5. We have had a gorgeous string of days that are mid-70's and cooling off to the high 50's-low 60's at night making for incredibly pleasant evenings as a family!
 6. We are hankful to have Julia in our lives in RI who is going to be helping make it so I can see Adler more than would otherwise be possible on the upcoming night shifts!

Our little girl looks more and more like a kid these days and I am just trying to cherish the moments as they fly by (while also simultaneously taking forever....it's just like they say, long days, short years)!

I'm going under for three weeks. But when I come up for air on the other side, I will be coming up to match day, and the next step in knowing where we are heading as a family next year.
