A lot of updates

I tried to publish a blog post two weeks ago and only now did I realize that it didn't post!

What I had tried to post was the updates of the past four months 

I'm up all night working the night shift and on my weekends "off" I can't really justify adjusting my body clock back to the day time world so I end up working on my computer late into the night on Friday and/or Saturday nights. So, as I sit here and do the same this Friday night, I'll try to redo what I had done before and just sum up the months as quickly as I can.

I got back from my Montana elective and I tried to pass along the way they embraced fitness in the work place by doing squats with my team.
We loved seeing our little valentine

She learned how to take some steps

We got to see her explore at the Children's Museum 
Munch on her favorite snacks in the grocery store (grapes especially)
And grow so much before our eyes!

We went from snowy New England

To tropical paradise
Adler made the trek with us for a total of 12 hours of FLIGHT time (not to mention travel time)
We learned the ropes of traveling with lots of snacks!
We joined in on fun times in the mud
 in the forest

in the water

and the sand

while I snuck away to present my research at the Society for Gynecology Oncologists (SGO)
And of course tried to take advantage of the "free" perks at the meeting with Tom
A family vacation makes all the difference in the world for resetting our stress levels
Adler did surprisingly well adjusting to the times zones on either end
 And she took even more steps into toddler-hood
including learning the names of body parts like noses
how to drive
and learning how to do house hold work at daycare with their play washing machine!
At work we all geared up to support our (now former) program director, who was just recently diagnosed with leukemia, by sporting T-shirts inspired by his daily bow ties at the hospital.

We ventured into Spring and almost treated it as though it were summer (with a lot of extra layers) by trying out a new ice cream shop
and hitting up our favorite (called Dear Hearts) now that it opened for the season. 
Adler is learning more and more how to help out in the kitchen
While I get through the slog of working the night shift. My co-resident, Wade, one of our interns this year, sums up the feeling we all have between 4-8 AM at the end of a shift:
Night shifts mean I often treat myself to post-nights brunch or comfort food. And sometimes, when it's the weekend Adler and Ali join in
She's gone through more pairs of pants than we expected, but not because of growth--because she continues to do the butt scoot and now that the weather is nice it means scooting on rough outdoor surfaces and she rips holes in them!
But she's cute, so we forgive her 
 and move on to ruining clothes in other ways -like with dye!

I officially applied to fellowship in Gynecology Oncology. Monday, 4/22/19, is when programs will offer interview dates. I applied to 33 programs and I am likely going to interview between 10-15 of those places (if granted the option!). It's going to be a wild summer that is eerily similar to my interview trail when I applied to residency. I can only hope that at the end of it, it turns out to be a program where I am as happy and supported as I am here with my Brown family.

Only time will tell! 
For now, I ask you--who wore it better?
 Happy Spring everyone!
