January Elective

Welcome to 2019 everyone!
I had an amazing chance this January. The time finally came for me to take my elective block--a full 6 weeks of time that I was able to choose what I wanted to do with it. I had some lofty notions at first and applied for a grant to go over to London, I considered doing a rotation at one of the premier gyn-oncology centers in the country, and ultimately I decided to go HOME. Only, not to the one we've made in Providence, but my true home of Montana. 

I went back to the Billings Clinic gyn-oncology department, where I spent about 10 days last year while I was still pregnant. 

It meant I got to operate A TON, I got to see my family in the off hours, and I got to again get a glimpse of life as a gyn-oncologist in a non-academic/university based hospital. 
Some might say I wasted my chance at something profound, but I maintain that it was one of the best decisions I could have made. While I was comfortable at home living with Kristi, I was pushed in my time out of my comfort zone--being asked to step up to the plate and do things I had not done before, working long hours when I knew my family was back at home. I think that was the hardest part, knowing that I could have "elected" to come to Montana while I was doing research work from my computer at home. Instead, I chose to go to a place where I wouldn't get "time off." It was an investment in my future and one that I think will pay off in great dividends. 

Before departing for Montana, we celebrated a few things. First, the Husky's playing in the Rose Bowl. Tom tried his hand at a prime rib and it was DELICIOUS. 
 I will definitely be calling on him to be making that again!
Then we celebrated Adler's first birthday at home in Providence (a few days early, ironically on her due date). 
Adler LOVES dogs, so of course we had to oblige with a dog-themed birthday. We spent basically an entire Saturday getting her cake ready which sort of felt like a waste, but I think I've wasted other days on much more trivial things than working to make Addie smile.
 We were both pretty happy with how it all came together. I will say though, I have a lot more respect than I already did for the woman who baked our wedding cake. It is HARD to make Funfetti cake not fall apart!

 She didn't get messy at all! So much for the "cake smash". Daddy ended up trying to get her to smash it by rubbing her hands in it and she promptly held out her hands, asking for them to be wiped clean.
Sadly, all my co-residents were either sick, traveling, or working on the night of her birthday with the exception of one: Nick and his girlfriend Jess. One might argue that this worked out as well as it could have since Nick and Jess have a dog they could share for the party!
We had tried earlier in the day to have Adler play with some dogs. I had called around to some doggy day-care facilities, some pet stores and ultimately the only place we could go see dogs was the pound. 
And, as it turns out the ones in the pound were particularly friendly. It was worth a shot :)
But, thankfully Nick's dog, Link, was up for a party. 
Adler certainly was spoiled by puppy themed gifts, but I'll admit, it's hard not to spoil her when she clearly loves it all so much!
Then it was off to Montana. Adler and I have been on quite a few plane rides together and she's getting harder to keep entertained in her seat that's for sure! But really I can't complain, she was great on the flights. 

Once in Montana we got some much-needed cousin time with Lawson.We had fun painting Valentine's themed canvases...
Visiting the animals....
shopping together...
hanging out with Nanna and Papa
cooking together and lots of EATING
 It also meant we got to live with Baily dog for the month which Adler loved!
She was frequently worn out by all the learning she's doing watching Lawson and being with family. She's learned how to walk with support while she's been here! 
That often meant that she was PASSED OUT in her crib, and she loves to pull that blanket and/or dubs up over her head!
 In the middle of the month I had to go to Seattle to take a standardized exam and Kristi was kind enough to give up her weekend to go with us! This time, we had Adler's new car seat complete with back-pack style carrying case! Ha!
I'm glad I don't have to carry it very far, or very often. But we made it Seattle to meet up with Tom, a much needed Daddy weekend. 
We also got to hang out with the Glassman family, our first get-together since John's funeral and it was nice to have something other than a funeral to get us together (still a bummer that it had to be an exam though!). 
Grantie Ann has all sorts of fun toys in her house!
Over the month at the Billings clinic I participated and/or performed part of 27 major abdominal surgery cases, significantly increasing my experience with these types of surgeries. I am grateful for the chance. 
And what would a trip to Montana in the winter be without a little snow adventure? I don't have a picture of it, but on one of my trips home I got the car stuck in the snow! Hence why everyone comes to work in their big boots! 
I will say I am ready to be reunited with Tom again so we can be a complete family. Hopefully naps will look like this on the plane tomorrow!

I can't say that I'm necessarily excited to go back to my "real job." Because, even though I worked long hours in Billings, I still got my weekends off. And, even when I got home late, I got to hang out with my family for even just a half an hour before bed which is more than I usually get. Now, if only I can keep that perspective when I go back to my regular work week that ends in a 24 hour call shift my first week back! (But, I can't complain because I haven't had a call shift for all of January!) I'm guessing my hair will look something like the way Adler's does when we take out her pig tails at the end of it:
Up next: I start a 6 week block of Urogynecology. Tom begins his new role in the Cause department at FINRA (oh ya...I forgot to mention that he got a promotion while I was in Billings). At the end of the next block we all head off to Hawaii because I just so happen to have a conference there in March ;). And my whole family gets to join in on the fun on that trip too! For now, I'm headed back to my residency family.
