One more weekend

Every year I get the same feelings around this same time...I start to mourn the loss of summer as the sun seems to set earlier and rise later. But I'm trying to soak in the moments. The crickets chirping in the evening, the warm glow of sunshine through our living room windows in the morning, and the bright blue sky in the afternoons. 
So, I guess when you're sad that summer is almost over the one way to get over it is to go to the beach!
We made a trip last weekend to a place that was aptly named the Ice Cream Barn
Rumor had it that it was TO DIE FOR and I'll just let Tom's face in the photo tell you how good it was (so so creamy!). 
We dined on our ice cream in good company and got to take what turned out to be the funniest "grumpiest old men" style photos of Ali and Addie
So Funny!
We got out in the kayak for labor day weekend! 
The life jacket certainly isn't Addie's favorite, but she copes with it when we're moving through the water

I am working the night shifts but had the whole 3 day weekend off (but my body definitely didn't know what to do with the time warps)! I was up in the week hours of the morning and took long afternoon naps, but we still managed to sneak out into the sunshine.
Tom was so excited for the return of college football and we all donned our purple and gold, including Addie! She was sporting her Adler's Hardware T-shirt that makes her look so much like a little girl instead of a baby!
It's amazing how fast she has grown.

Her new skills these days: clapping and bouncing!
I don't have a picture of the clapping skill, but you can imagine it. She particularly likes to clap with her new friend from Paul and Ashlynne, "Tammy" the turtle from Maui! She loves her!

We helped celebrate with our friends Dylan and Jennica at their gender reveal party. 
They are having a BOY! He's due around Thanksgiving. 
 Tom and I also got to sneak away for another theater date night to go see the Book of Mormon. We feel so spoiled to get to see two shows in one month's time but we love the theater so much we can't help ourselves! 
 I'm setting in for  what I going to be a tough 2-3 month span. Two more weeks of the night shift, then 6 weeks of "swing shift" where I work somewhere between 12pm and 2 am. This is followed by 6 weeks of oncology which I'm very excited for, but also nervous as I start to make my way into the career planning stage of my residency. 
 Whenever I get anxious about it all, my fall back is to just steal a kiss and a snuggle from our sweet baby girl. Somehow her smiles makes it all better!
