July- how has it already come and gone?

There has definitely been a lot of things that have gone on since the last post (considering it has been over 1 month since I posted). 

A few of the highlights:

1.    Adler has been taking more and more solid foods and is hamming it up at day care!
  She tries to eat us under the table, no food seems off limts to her!
2. We have been spending a lot of time at the beach:

3. Adler passed the half-way mark and is officially double her birth weight
She has outgrown most things, and the bathroom sink is no exception (she's gonna kill me for having this photo in my posession in the future!)
Her head is still GINORMOUS!! So much for wearing this hat in the fall/winter season.
4.  Paul and Ashlynne got married and their wedding vows made it onto the Late Show with Stephen Colbert!
You can watch it here; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPo_0iAPYQY.     

Adler and I didn't get to be there for the wedding but we dressed up anyway

Thank you to grandma and grandpa Malikie for the dress!!

5. Julia moved into our home


We have been TERRIBLE about getting family photos together but I promise we've been spending time together. This shot is of us last weekend at an outdoor concert. 

6. Adler met a few pups, including Meri and Jimmy's dog Hank, and they seem fond of each other :)
7. We went blueberry picking and Adler learned how to eat leaves and blueberries :) 

8.  We got a nice little getaway to the theater to celebrate our NINTH wedding anniversary 

We went to see Moulin Rouge in Boston, at a theater that just got remodeled and re-opened. 
It was gorgeous: 
The stage alone was incredible, and the show was fabulous!
It's going to go live on Broadway in New York soon, so we go tot see it before it did!
So July and August were full of wonderful moments, and you can bet that most of them were with our little pumpkin who we love to pieces. And of course, here are some more snapshots of our moments with her:




 Happy August everyone!
