So many occasions

The month of June in residency is always a bit crazy as we all transition from one role to another.

We have a whole new batch of interns who just started today. Which means, I am officially a third year resident--a senior level resident, -- a over=the-half-way-mark resident. It's hard to imagine that two years ago I was approaching my first day as a "doctor" and now I don't blink twice when nurses and patients call me Dr. Glassman.But, I still prefer the hard-earned title of "mom." And, although our little one isn't old enough yet to know how to say the word mom, she is old enough to sit up on her own!
She is loving eating solid foods. And we have a whole rainbow of frozen cubes of carrots, green beans, strawberries, blueberries, cherries, and potatoes for her to munch on
 She is getting exposed to the great outdoors at day care through a grass piece
 And terrariums of leaves, pinecones, sticks and rocks.
 Half way through this month I celebrated a milestone - turning 31. It didn't feel as big of a deal as turning 30 did. And, as my facebook memories reminded me of that glorious summer day in Boston last year where we toured the city and went to Wicked in the theater, this year was far less glamorous. I texted some of you, but on my birthday I had some toilet problems...

First thing I did at work on my birthday was go use the restroom before my first surgery of the day, and my thumb ring bounced on the floor and, plop!, right into hte toilet bowl.
 I finished my first c-section only to do a circumcision where the baby got me with pee!
 So I was relieved at the end of the nigght to go out with my hubby for the first time on a date night since Adler joined our family.
 We dined at the Chapel Grille which is a lovely old stone church building with gorgeous interiors
 The food was great, the company was great, and a night off away from the hospital was even better (although it was a SHORT night out because I had to work a 24 hour shift the next morning)
 My post-birthday 24 hour shift was made better because I was working with Meri. She was standing in as the third year resident while we were all transitioning up to the next level of resident (except me).
I stayed as a 2nd year for the day which was fine by me! I know what my role is as a second year!) One of our favorite attendings, Dr. Dang, was also working a 24 hour shift which made it even more pleasant.
 We had a great crew.
 Post-24 hour call I'm always a little useless but I slept for 4 hours or so and then had to get out to enjoy the sunshine.
 So, we took Addie to her first trip to the beach!
 Adler felt the Atlantic under her toes and it was COLD but she adjusted and seemed to like it. And, she looked cute doing it thanks to Nanna and Pappa for the swim wear!
 Some time next summer we'll be joining in with the sand playaing with Ali
 I mean, can it get any more picture perfect for a New England summer?

 All the sun and sand wore this cute little cherry pie out
 This commences the portion of the blog just filled with cute pictures of my baby girl. You're going to have to get used  to it :)

 She figured out to sit up on her own and I love it!
 She much prefers to sit up during diaper time than laying down.
 This week we explored the garden totgether and got the first harvest of the year!
 She made her debut in the residency in her formal attire (once again thanks to nanna and pappa). She was a hit in her dress. Here she is with my midwife-mentor, Linda.
 She's getting ready for the 4th, trying out her new hat from Aunt Kristi. I can't get enough.
 This past weekend I worked on Saturday for the first time with the new intern class and Sunday we helped Nick and his girlfirend move to a new apartment. We were sweaty, hot and tired at the end and found ourselves at a Cranston favorite: "Ogies trailer park." It's a backyard style restaurant with the decor of a trailer park full of great burgers and dogs.
 Ali and Chi had a good time in the park
 We are getting ready to sell the truck and Adler had to make sure it was still driveable the other day as we loaned it off for one final favor of someone that needed to move a couch. How cute is she?
 We took a photo that is reminiscent of the photo from two years ago at graduation, back when we were incoming interns. Now we are incoming third year residents, over the half way mark. We wanted to through ourselves a "half way there" party but it turns out we're all ridiculously busy! But, cheers to us, class of 2020!
