Just because it's June

It's been a month. A MONTH! how did that happen?
June has arrived and we've had a lot of exciting things happen. 

Adler found her thumb at daycare!
She has been introduced to cereal, oatmeal, banana and avocado and she seems to love them all 😊
I even snuck in a “wellness” night on a week night where we had a wine and paint night. 
Meri loved the “splattering” technique at the end of the evening.
Just after we finished this, Andrey's wife, Diana went into labor and they met their baby BOY, Jacob Andreas Wohler Dolinko. Maybe all that painting was like nesting for Andrey?
We got our first consecutive weekend off in over who-knows-how long an we went for a hike in Western Massachusetts to the top of "Mount Tom." We thought the title of the hike was quite fitting. Adler LOVED hiking. Mom and dad realized though that we are VERY out of shape :)
We also enjoyed the memorial day thrift shop sales--everything is 50% off! Adler is quickly outgrowing all of her clothes and she loved feeling all the clothes on the racks
I had a resident learning/simulation session. here's our program director observing one of the graduating chief residents working with a hand-held uterine scope 
You can see the team effort of this one
and it was a great time of bonding with my co-residents
I honestly can't believe how lucky I am with the co-residents I have.
I have embraced every possible snuggle that I can with this cutie pie.
The quick snap shots from day care never get old
This includes going to Maine this past weekend for the New England Association of Gynecology Oncology (NEAGO) conference this past weekend. 
At one point or another over the past 3 months I submitted an abstract for a research project and was selected to present at the conference along with my co-residents Chi-Fong, Mike, and Amita. 
The conference was in a picturesque location at a gorgeous resort that I don't think we'd ever be able to afford. But we found a nearby condo option that we could all split and it made it feasible. 
The best part about the conference was the ability to take Adler (and Tom) into the conference rooms. And we weren't alone in doing so. At any given time there was at least one baby being held in the room where we were presenting. 
But when he wasn't in the room with the conference, he and adler were taking walks around the beautiful grounds
The weekend wouldn't have been complete without a lobster bake. It was as New England as it gets
Adler enjoyed making new friends, including the daughter of one of my attendings. How cute are they?!?
 Turns out life as a baby can be rough sometimes and requires frequent naps that I am sooo jealous of!
Just one more week until the current chief residents graduate and I become a THIRD year resident. 
