Bonding with Adler

It's almost three weeks since Adler arrived. Just like everyone says--the time has flown by and I'm just trying to soak in every single snuggle I can while I still can!
In the last week Adler got to meet Auntie and it was SO wonderful to have her here! We just wish we could be with all of our family all the time and that we weren't a whole coast away. 
Every day I swear she grows up just a little bit more, gets more mature, and if possible, she gets cuter too. 
I am starting to think you all will get very sick of baby photos because I anticipate that is all that will be on the blog for the foreseeable future. 
We tried out a new mode of transportation in the house- a baby sling.
 She tends to look a little like a baby dinosaur at times with her lips pursed and her head extended, but I can't help but think that it's adorable!
 The milk-drunk faces are also my favorite! She is completely limp after she gets done eating and could curl up into a tiny little ball.
 The many faces of Adler are so entertaining while she figures out how her muscles work.
 She loves the butt pats when she's fussy
 But she is truly angelic when she is not fussy (which, thankfully, is most of the time).
 Adler got another visitor this week too! She got to see Ali, or more aptly, Ali got to see her. But Ali was definitely more excited about playing with Adler's walker that she has yet to grow into (thanks to Auntie Kristi for hauling it all the way over here in her suitcase as a hand-me-down from Lawson!).
 Fei, my co-resident, and her boyfriend Ben also came to visit. Somehow I didn't get any pictures of Fei. Ben was a natural at baby-holding ;)
 The day before Kristi left for Montana we did a little photo shoot. I can assure you the photos will make their appearance on the blog or in emails or on facebook, because they are ADORABLE!
I mean, how can photos not turn out when you look like this when you're sleeping?!
 Kristi and I got some good quality time in too! We got some soup, salad and sandwiches at Panera (thanks mom and dad for the meal credits!).
 And, of course, I had to show Kristi what Newport creamery was all about. We decided to try their ice cream rather than get an awful awful. Just like the awful awfuls, it was DELICIOUS.
I'm trying everything I can to get enough calcium and vitamin D in me to help nourish her already LONG bones! I mean seriously, look how she's all knees and elbows.

 Auntie and Adler got some snuggle time, (that is when dad didn't push us girls out of the way for his chance to hold her when he got home from work!). 
 The morning snuggles are truly the best.
 Over the weekend we had some nice weather and went for several walks to break in the new stroller form great-aunt Ann.
 And what walk in Rhode Island would be complete without some curb-side treasures waiting to be discovered. We had our hopes up for this bike because Tom has been wanting a stationary bike in the basement to add to our home gym. Turns out there was a reason it was on the side of the road :)

 We went for another walk the next day and enjoyed some amazing views around the park on an unseasonably warm January day
 Saying goodbye is always ridiculously difficult. And this time was no exception. We just have to keep telling ourselves that it's just "see you next time" not goodbye. And, it is remarkable how much I've been able to see family in the past calendar year (sadly it was more than when we lived in Seattle!). So, Auntie Kristi, we just say see you later! and hope that "later" is actually soon!
 The day kristi left it was horrible weather with pouring rain and gray skies that made her departure even more difficult to cope with. The sun came up the next morning though and we discovered that Adler, like her mom, loves to snuggle in the sunshine. She literally makes a contented "coo" sound when she goes from a shady spot in the house to a sunny one!
 Tom got to stay home from work for 2 days this week and while I was out doing an errand he sent me this photo of his daddy-daughter lunch conference :).
 That's all for now, until next time when there's a gazillion more baby photos to come.


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