October wtih family & friends

There's been some rough times in October when it comes to work. Tom has been busy and on the road a lot, and I've had a decent amount of call shifts to keep myself busy as well. Not only that, but there have been quite a few very difficult patient situations I've encountered this month that have made me all the more grateful to have my "second family" in my co-residents around at the hospital. Fortunately though, I got the chance to see my blood-family this month too! 

Let's start with the residency family. Earlier this month we celebrated a monumental occasion -- the fourth  year residents matched to fellowship. If you aren't sure what fellowship is, it's an extra 2-4 years of training after completing residency to sub-specialize further in the field of OB/GYN. 

 We met up to celebrate at a very Seattle-esque brewery in Providence. You can see how, when we all gather around a table, we definitely look and act like family!
 The chief residents nailed down fellowship spots at top programs-- Columbia, NYU, Brown, University of Chicago, and UConn. Happy and delirious, we celebrated with them and toasted to all their hard word to get to this point! 
 One of the fellowships available to OB/GYN is a field called urogynecology, known as urogyn for short. One of the urogyn national conferences happened to be being hosted in Providence this year, and I landed tickets to the Friday evening welcome party. It was a beach themed get-together in the WaterFire Arts Center.
There was beach/boardwalk themed food complete with cotton candy....
 ..and the cutest little fish and chips in newspaper I've ever seen (it's hard to tell from the picture but this is about the size of a lemon. 
 We pause here in the timeline of October for a cute photo of Ali making faces at breakfast :) 
 Later in the month after a beast of a call weekend, we were joined by Kristi, Lawson and my dad! 
 Lawson and Tom hit it off. The game was almost always taking the hat off 
 And of course, learning to share. Because if you try to eat an apple in front of tom, you KNOW he's going to take a bite! 
 And we were able to catch on of the fall highlights in Providence, the Spooktacular at the Roger Williams Zoo. It features over 20,000 carved pumpkins over the course of the month, 5,000 on display at any one time. I didn't take many pictures, but this was one of my favorite ones for sure!
 We toured all over Boston over the weekend, and kept our little monkey quite occupied :)
 We ate a TON of lobster, and it was SOOO delicious!
 Lawson and Tom always seemed to find a way to play with something. Rocks were particularly entertaining in crab and lobster cagesII
 It might not be a milestone of any significance, but I hit 28 weeks (and now it's 29 weeks because I'm posting it so late). 
 Tom told me to "look buff" for this one :) I definitely have felt less and less buff as the belly gets bigger and bigger!
 Most recently we had our "residency retreat" which was a day of anything but clinical work to bond, debrief about how things are going, learn about what is coming down the pipeline and, of course, a little time for some impromptu acting. Now, as a group of OB/GYN's you can imagine it's hard to have any sort of skit that doesn't involve a laboring mother. Andrey was giving me a run for my money with his baby bump!
 For the retreat we got to go to a yoga studio in Cranston. It was wonderful. Lying on the heated floors in "corpse pose" at the end of the session made me feel so relaxed! Sadly, I wasn't able to participate in the 5-6 saunas available at the studio (too hot and unsafe for a preggo lady) but I got to lounge in an over-sized adult bean bag chair instead, so I couldn't complain. 

And last night after my 24 hour shift from Friday to Saturday we went out on the town for a little dinner and a show with friends. We went to the Trinity repertoire theater with complimentary tickets, thanks to one of our attending physicians who generously gave us the opportunity! 
 After a lovely dinner at a place called Bravo Brassiere we settled in the intimate theater for a great show. 
It's hard to believe that it's October because it's consistently been in the 70's as a high (and occasionally as high as 79!)
 Now it's just down to one final work week before I get to head off on an adventure I've been looking forward to for months now! I get to go back to Montana for part of my elective rotation. I'll be rotating through the Billings Clinic gynecology oncology department for about 7-8 working days, with time for family on the weekend in between! I can't believe how fortunate I am that I get to have the opportunity to work with gyn-oncs in a rural setting and to be with my family at that!!! I can't wait. Until then, we start our first round of interviews of medical students for the next batch of interns. It always baffles me how slow the days can pass sometimes and how quickly the weeks and months fly by! More pictures to come for October (but maybe not posted until November :). 
