Birthday Month

September, all things considered, has been a fun month.

I finished my block of night shifts this month. And, in case you needed proof that I feel like a GIANT on the east coast, here it is: evidence that I stand literally one head (or more) taller than my colleagues.  

Now you understand when I say that I have to ask my attendings to stand on a step stool in the OR so that the table height is high enough that I don't have to bend over while operating.

My last night sfhit fell on a Thursday. So I got off work on a Friday morning the double-slept and return to work at 5 AM on Saturday for a 27 hours shift, then double-slept again all day Sunday before starting my next rotation on a Monday. 

I had two really terrible weeks at work that were some of the most stressful and exhausting I've had yet (in residency or otherwise). In the first week I started a new rotation (which always stresses me out), we hit a monumental date: Diana's birthday, and I delivered three dead babies. The babies were pre-viable, unable to survive outside the womb being born at the age they were born. But that didn't make it any easier. I was also on a service called Maternal Fetal Medicine, which is a high risk pregnancy service (hence the bad outcomes that inevitably come with high risk pregnancies). I had good moments too, but it was emotionally taxing for sure.

Needless to say, I was so incredibly grateful to step away from the hospital for some fresh air when I finally did have a day off, away from the stressors of work.

We enjoyed a gorgeously sunny day before Tom's birthday at Dame Farm Orchards to pick some apples. Our favorite fall activity! However, it didn't feel like fall since it was 86 degrees and humid!
I got to wander through a field of sunflowers and pick some -- it was like a dream come true!

We couldn't wait to devour the apples and, of course, the apple pie that inevitably followed.
I passed a milestone in pregnancy this month too--I finally look pregnant :) It turns out that 25 weeks was the turning point where people went from thinking "are you sure you're actually pregnant?" to "oh, look at that baby bump!"
This is what I looked like last week when I worked really hard to suck it in :), compared to "when I let it go"

I can no longer "suck it in", so I guess that means it's official.
We celebrated Tom's 33rd birthday at a the Waterman Grille, a place right on the waterfront in Providence on the east side that we hadn't previously been to before. It was a lovely escape from work.

Another amazing surprise? I got my clinic cancelled on Thursday morning and therefore had time to go to breakfast with Chi Fong (after she got off of her night shift) and Karen, who was on her way to work!

We also made an impromptu decision to go see Les Miserables at the Providence theater. When I say impromptu, I mean it. We decided via text message communication at 6:10 PM while Tom was commuting home from work that we were going to go. I went online, bought tickets and between 6:45 pm when Tom got home and the start of the show at 7:30 we managed to change, eat dinner, get to the theater and find our seats. It was truly a wonderful surprise/unexpected event.
Today we had to fuel up for a long day at car dealerships, so we got loaded up on carbs at a new (relatively) doughnut shop in town called Knead. Yum!
Good thing I spent some time in Tom's home gym the night before huh?
Tom surreptitiously took photos of me at work without me knowing....sneaky sneaky. he says he wanted proof that I persisted on doing step aerobics at 6+ months pregnant.
 After fueling up, we spent the day test driving a whole slew of family-friendly cars. We visited Honda, Subaru, Nissan, Jeep, and Mazda dealers (whew!) and now have some tough decisions to make --what vehicle will we get to replace the truck? it's not going to be an easy transition. We've made a lot of memories with that truck, considering Tom bought it ELEVEN years ago. Can you believe it? Whew!This was one of the ones on our initial list, ironically it's the only one I photographed and it isn't going to make the cut. Stay tuned for the final decision :)
But, we need a car that fits a car seat, and something that drives more safely in the New England snow. It's our first step into preparing to be a family instead of a couple :)
