Moments to remember

I had one day off last weekend and despite the poor weather (60’s, breezy with intermittent showers) we decided to go out and explore.

I’ll be honest, right this very second I can’t even recall where we went exactly, other than it was on the southern tip of Rhode Island/South eastern tip of Massachusetts. We took off bright an early for a morning stroll along the beach. We ended up on this road that looked to me like we were about to drive off of the set of “the Truman show” and into the “real world.”
We were greeted by wild lilies
Long flowing grass and sand dunes
And sweeping views of the water
We stopped in an adorable bayside restaurant for breakfast
 Our journey continued a few miles down the road when we explored another state park
It was incredibly calm and peaceful. Maybe it was the lack of sunshine or maybe we just got lucky but we had the place to ourselves to enjoy
Look at the water views!
We passed the most adorable little “vegetable stand” on the way, with an honor system for payments.
I loved the sign in the window “If you don’t have change, leave a note and drop off money next time you’re by.”
And, of course, the well-labeled “money slot.”
We got home and one of the most exciting renovations to the house happened –we got an insinkerator! No more dumping out sink drain catchers or throwing food waste into the trash to make it smell so bad or attract bugs to the house!
We dined on some of the biggest zucchini boats I've ever made:
In the beautiful summer patio backdrop that we have for ourselves now
We also had a bit of a surprise this weekend—our watermelon are growing like crazy!Well, they aren’t the only melon that’s growing! We are growing another addition to the family! Tom and I are expecting a baby January 5, 2018!

We will get to learn the gender in early August and trust me, we can’t believe it’s actually happening 😊. It’s been a long time coming, and we thought that since now I've joined Tom in the 3rd decade of life

and we’re rapidly approaching a decade of marriage (8 years in August!), that it’s about time we truly become adults by bringing a little one into the world.

Ever since week 5 or so of pregnancy (I’m now 17 weeks along) Tom and I have been calling the baby “Kumquat” because my pregnancy app that compares the growing fetus to the size of fruits and veggies called it that the first time we looked at the app. We started calling “it” kumquat, and well, the name stuck. So, welcome to the world, little kumquat!
We know it’s going to be tough, it’s going to be crazy, and it’s going to be so hard to have a baby without all of you lovely people surrounding us! I imagine a lot of moments like this for Tom coming up:
But we’re so excited to share our lives with a new tiny human 😊. Now we just have to convince the tiny human to like hiking and PB&J's! All we know is thatif this kumquat comes out even half as cute as Ali is, we'll be more than happy!
