Rest and reprieve

I had the amazing opportunity to go home for 5 days last week. It was an amazing journey.

And when I say journey, I'm certainly not kidding! It was a day of days. I started by getting to work at 5:45 am, rounded on a few patients, had lecture from 6:30-7:30, then was in the OR for surgical cases until 11 am, then scrubbed out, ran and changed into street clothes and went to the OR for the pin removal for my pinky so I can finally bend it again at the furthest joint!
 At this point i thought the journey was going to become easy--all I had to do was go to the airport and board a plane.

Well, the weather on the east coast, led to other plans. Needless to say, I had plenty of time to ice my sore finger.....
I even got to spy on some local celebrities :) I spotted Elizabeth Warren from Massachusetts
20 hours after the intended time of arrival, I made my way into Missoula, and the Lobster tail pastries I brought from Boston made it (almost) in one piece!
The time in Missoula was so refreshing. I was able to sleep in, take naps out in the gazebo and enjoy the amazing sights and sounds of Montana.
I got lots of great time with my nephew, he;s even cuter than the last time I got to see him.
We even got some pool time in at Uncle Curt's
And some movie snuggles with grandma
 We got fortunate and were able to have a mini little family reunion at aunt vicky's house as well :)
 And I think this photo of grandma enjoying some fresh smore's sums up the moment well:
Of course, there was plenty of amazing breakfast to be had.
We also spent lots of time in the outdoors--gorgeous as usual!
I also got acquainted with Maggie, the new Gibson Mansion welcome dog.
We had a number of family adventures, one of which was to test out both Maggie and Lawson and two adults on the blow up kayak, then two more of us on tubes on a lazy river trail. Well, maggie is a born hunter and it ultimately led to a popped intertube, a crying toddler, and a few tired adults :).
We also go to explore Clear Water Lake with Maggie. 
You can tell why it's called clear water lake huh?
We found huckleberries along the route and they were delicious! They slowed us down, but in a pleasant way.
Maggie was on the hunt the whole time, but thankfully with the leash we were able to keep track of her!
I also had some time to try to rehabilitate my pinky and get it to bend once again!
My return to Providence was also an adventure of sorts by first taking the red eye flight. I arrived in Boston at 445 AM (earlier than scheduled) but with shuttle wait times and train rides, didn't get home until 8 am! sadly, I had booked my day with doctors and dentists appointments long overdue, so no sleep for me. I guess it's just good practice for my 24 hour shifts :). 
At the end of the long day I found myself back on the train up to Boston for a sunset cruise with Tom's coworkers. 
While I could feel my bed calling my name, I certainly enjoyed the warm ocean breeze as we cruised around the harbor. 

The next day we had a different work function- a Pawtucket Paw Sox game with Tom's old coworkers from his job in Providence. It was amazing!
Last but not least we had the weekend at home to get some projects done. I've been aching to change the color of the kitchen to give it some more life. We went with a color called Sea Salt and I think it suits the space well. 
While we were at it, we also painted the bedroom. Believe it or not, these are different colors, but on the same swatch. Comfort grey is the title of it, but it looks remarkably similar to Seat Salt :)
The garden went crazy while I was gone, I feel like I was constantly harvesting! 
I had a lot of clean up to do, but didn't mind spending some hours in the sunshine weeding and taking care of my crops. 
It's back to the grind in the morning and I can feel the "sunday blues" hitting hard. I keep thinking of Maggie who always looked backwards in the car--looking back at the week of vacation and wanting so desperately to go back!
Thankfully I was able to drown the feeling out until later in the night because I was so busy baking zucchini bread and breakfast cookies 
and also a summer treat -- frozen chocolate-covered bananas!
Two more weeks of urogynecology rotation before it's back to the labor and delivery floor for three weeks of day shifts, then three weeks of night shifts. Here we go!
