Feeling lucky

I can't honestly believe my good fortune this week. Yes, I had a 24 hour shift on Friday (my first one of residency) but then I had an incredible weekend.

Oh, and just as a side note --working a 24 hour (well, it always ends up being a 27-28 hour shift) was much less painful than I had anticipated. Maybe it's because I worked it up in my head as a big thing, or maybe it's because it was so busy I never had time to stop and think to myself "man, I'm really tired right now." I got to bring 5 babies into the world on the latter half of the shift, and was in the OR from 6:30am-4:30 pm on the first half of the shift for urogynecology. I was so pleasantly happy on Saturday when I got off around 8 am. I came home, watered the garden, ate cereal in the sunshine and then was off to bed for the day. 
When I awoke, a very fun weekend awaited me. We went for a lovely walk Saturday afternoon, followed by a Pawtucket Paw Sox game, our first of the season. 

It was a firework night, and it was a great show for sure!

Sunday we joined Jessica (my co-resident Nick's girlfriend) at the beach because it was 91 degrees out and I couldn't take the heat at home anymore.
Then I just had one measily day at work and I was off again for the entire 4th of July!

Seriously, I can't believe my good fortune. Yes, residency is hard, yes it pushes you. But man, when you get a break, it makes it that much sweeter. 

We had a a great 4th with a relaxing morning at home followed by a kayaking adventure
The colors in this photo really tell you well how beautiful the day was!
 We almost felt like we were on a tropical vacation and headed out for an adventure (after all, we did have our PB&J's and carrots packed :). 
Then we joined my boss at his home on the waterfront for his annual 4th of July party (where only people that live in the neighborhood are invited, and now that we live in Cranston, RI we are invited :). 
They have a tradition to read the declaration of independence every year at the party. Somehow I got volunteered for the job and Tom actually fell on the sword and read for me. It turns out we were assigned the last part of the reading --the most dynamic endcap to the whole thing! So, I was glad he read it. 
Last but not least, we made it to India Point Park, right on the water front, with many of my co-residents to catch the fireworks. 
It was truly a fabulous day and really, it all just felt like summer to the core! I loved every second. 
And each day I come home to a thriving garden and it always makes me smile. I'm still waiting for the tomatoes to ripen but the corn is now almost up to my shoulders in height and I've got zucchini growing out of my ears. As I write this the smell of fresh zucchini bread is wafting through the house--a smell I haven't been able to experience in what feels like an eternity! Ahhh, summer. 
So, I hope you all are enjoying yourselves, I know that summer makes me feel alive and certainly this past weekend I couldn't have asked for a more lovely way to experience it all. Over time, I guess this blog is less "Tom and Deanna" and more "Deanna's musings about life and occasional stories involving Tom." But, suffice it to say, Tom is more really loving his job in Boston (not the commute) and is putting up with my crazy hours, gardening obsessions, and desire-to-spend-every-waking- moment-I'm-not-in-the-hospital-out-in-the-sunshine like a champion
I can't wait until next week when I get to head home to Montana for a few days to experience summer like the good 'ol days too!
