New home, new pinky

Trying to sneak in one blog post while it's still May so that I can say I didn't go a full two months without a post :).

It's been a busy month to say the least. We successfully moved in one day from North Providence, to Cranston, RI. I managed to only get 2 boring pictures of moving day and both are basically of the same thing---stuff near the uhaul truck

We did have help (thank goodness or there's no way we could have done it in one day!). Ali was our cheerleader, but we'll say she got tuckered out watching us work
How many times can I say it? How cute is she?!?
We finally feel a bit more settled in the house (after one too many trips to IKEA)
Here's a few pictures of our new home, that still doesn't quite feel like home, but it's getting there.

We now have a home with an upstairs, and I already catch myself with the "gibson mansion rule" of "never go up the stairs empty handed :)
How we got the queen sized mattress up these stairs --let's just say it borderlined on a miracle
I really like having a separate space for the guest room
 And the offices
Now I've just got to find the perfect love seat/reading chair/sofa for this sunny spot for my reading/napping area upstairs :)
We certainly were spoiled by the kitchen of our old place,
 but in this place we're spoiled by the proximity to Roger Williams Park (the park with the zoo, the botanic gardens and the site of the pumpkin festival every year), the proximity to friends and "family" and my proximity to the hospital.We're also just down the street from the little league fields, so the "ping" of baseballs and cheers from moms and dads is almost always present in the evenings. We love it.
We have a HUGE basement
The basement is also now complete with a punching bag (thanks to a curb-side find while we were out on a walk the other night), so Tom's got some space to burn off steam if needed
We don't have any backyard, just our driveway (yay for no more car tetris during the parking bans!) but we have a nice space for bbq's in the summer.
 Now i just want to get some "outdoor flooring" for the like this stuff area and we'll have a makeshift entertainment space
My garden is coming around too. There's SO MUCH yardwork I would like to get done, but one day at a time
Oh, and it turns out I broke my pinky. I finally (after three weeks) got an xray after one of my attendings who doesn't ever recommend or obtain unnecessary testing told me I should get one. It was after three weeks and when I couldn't straighten my pinky any further than this:
 It was the straw that broke the camels back, and I caved and got one. Sure enough, I broke it.
So, thanks to some amazing inside connections through my co-intern Meri who's boyfriend is an orthopedic surgery intern I was able to get in to see a hand specialist within two days, and booked for surgery within 10 days of getting the xray!

The surgery was uneventful. They placed a pin in the tip of my pinky to hold the joint from bending so that it can heal. Here I am post-op with a very swollen pinky.
I will get the pink out around mid-July and then wear the pinky brace for a few more weeks after that while doing physical therapy.

Day one after surgery I wasn't so sure I made the right decision because it hurt, A LOT.
But, by my fourth day after surgery I was back in the OR, on the OTHER side of the table performing surgery on other patients. Whew! So so grateful. And, no my pinky is straight again. Hopefully it will stay that way once the pin comes out. But I always run the risk of having a slight "lag" in the joint.
That's all I have time to write for now. In june I'll become a 2nd  year resident, we'll have graduations and many "firsts" as well as many "lasts." Tom was in Arizona  for business last week and got to go home for memorial day weekend for a bit, so maybe some photos from that trip will follow. For now, know that we're keeping busy, our chins are above water, but man, this next year is going to be crazy! Lots of love!
