Spring cleaning--and moving

Since coming home from Montana it is apparent that Spring has sprung. My first weekend back it was like summer actually, with temps topping out in the 80's! We walked around what will become our new neighborhood very soon, and through Roger Williams Park.
We also got to join in on some yard work with Chi Fong and Karen, something that I miss very greatly and haven't been doing it at our current place since we're moving out in just 2 weeks or so.
But we were able to clear out some old brush and shrubery.
I also planted some seedlings and left them under Chi Fong and Karen's care until we become neighbors, and then I can plant them at the new house :).
We soaked in the rays, enjoyed a picnic in the backyard and for a brief moment it felt like we were embarking on normal adult life where you do yard work and spend time with friends rather than spending 70-80 hours at work!

After the day of yard work we sort of invited ourselves over to Meri's house for a birthday party. it was the big 29 and it was worth celebrating, no matter how much Meri didn't want to acknowledge it was her birthday :)

This past week Tom has "been away on business" (how adult does that sound huh?) in New York, NY. His hotel has a view of the 9/11 memorial.
He took the train from PVD to NY and it generally takes three hours, a reminder that we should utilize the proximity we have to so many different experiences!
his train was a bit delayed but otherwise he's surviving his time in NY without too many glitches. He sends me beautiful photos every day, multiple times per day about the views from the office building, his view for dinner, or his run along the Hudson.
While he doesn't like being away from home, he is reminded how wonderful it is to NOT have to commute 1.5+ hours to and from work everyday. He's able to have a normal work routine and fit in exploration time because he doesn't have to sit on a train.
This week he is off to Maryland for work again, so I'll be alone in the house again. We got to spend Sunday morning together before he left, soaking in the spring time rays at Lincoln Woods park. 
It is definitely tricky having him be gone in terms of getting the house packed up and ready to move!
Fortunately we don't have to move 3,000 miles this time! 
What it really means is that I'm spending a lot more time over at Chi Fong and Karen's house and snuggling with Ali instead of packing up the house like I should be ;). I mean how do I say no to that face? I'm so excited to be within walking distance of this cutie!
It means I'll be able to come over more often for story time before bed!
It's not just me who loves cuteness by the way ;)
 So, we'll be posting more photos in the coming months about our new house, but I can't promise how soon that's going to happen. Just like my parents always head into "busy season" during the summer months, I feel the same. I have a much more busy work schedule coming up based on which rotation I have next, and also my call schedule is going to get a bit more chaotic and more frequent. 

I can't say I'm ready for crazy but I can say I've been so grateful for these past two weeks when I've been able to go play intramural volleyball, make dinner each night, go see friends, and do yardwork! Oh, on that note, i also may or may not have broken my pinky finger. This is making time in the OR particularly difficult seeing as how I can't wear a brace in the OR, but I am trying to be diligent in wearing it when I'm not scrubbed in so I hopefully don't end up with a permanently misshapen finger!

(i'm being a bad patient and not getting it xray'd). Trust me, it's making packing that much more pleasant ;). So I'm trying to keep it in a neutral/straight position as much as I can with this tiny little brace, and hoping for the best outcome
 The new interns will start 6/24 so that transition is going to be crazy--there;s a lot of life stuff happening here! For now, I'm enjoying the last few sunsets at our current home, bracing myself for the move this weekend and the inevitable stressors that come with moving to a new place before it feels like home. 
Come May 1st, this will be our new home (and the landlord already fixed up the front steps for us since we toured it, so they've been sanded down and given a fresh coat of paint! It will be our first time in our almost 8 years of marriage where we haven't shared walls or ceilings with neighbors, and we're excited for that (so I can stop feeling guilty for the weird hours I keep and worrying about waking people up with my alarms at far too early of hours!
Happy Spring everyone!
