And a Happy New Year

We have found ourselves in 2017! I can't believe it. I had my 6 month semi-annual review at work which means I'm officially 50% of the way through my intern year. Phew! 

We got to ring in the new year with our not-technically-family-but-feels-like-family family, the Craven's! We truly felt spoiled.
I got to leave work early on a Friday afternoon so we had plenty of time to get to the airport and relax at the gate as we prepared for the Chick-Fil-A Peach Bowl!
Dean and Judy got free swag on their flight from Seattle! 
 We walked right past the player's hotel on the way to the stadium
 And had a good time picking up some free swag at the Fan Fest

 The game wasn't until 3 so we even had time for a little detour to Tom's absolutely FAVORITE restaurant: Fox Brother's BBQ. all I have to say
 Dave flew in from Seattle but he had quite the journey, including an overnight stay in Chicago O'Hare airport. 
Then we were even able to meet up before the game for a good 'ol fashioned tailgate. And, of course, it was raining.
 Look at all the Husky Pride!
There really wasn't a bad seat in the house, even up in the 300 level
 We had a great first half and welcomed the half time show with a lot of hope in our sails

 Alas, the huskies couldn't pull off a win, but that doesn't mean we didn't have a blast ringing in the new year!
 We didn't make dinner reservations and found ourselves calling around for a place to go for a party of 7 at around 9 pm on New Year's Eve. Do you think anyone had openings? Hardly. But, we got lucky and found this adorable restaurant, Basil, that had an incredible atmosphere, complete with party hats and noise makers!

 Everyone else was decked out in all of their finest bling and glittery dresses, but we were just fine in our husky gear :)

 What a great way to start the new year!
Since coming home from Atlanta I've started my gynecology oncology rotation. I'm at the hospital at 5 (or just shy of that at 445) and leave anywhere between 5 if i'm lucky to 7 pm on the regular. This weekend I got both Saturday and Sunday off, a luxury I won't have for the rest of the month of January. In fact, I work the next 21 days in a row (and the 21st day is the day of our annual specialty specific exams called the CREOGs, a joyful 4-6 hours I'm obviously looking forward to). 

So, that means I snuck in all of my favorite things this weekend: sleeping in, brunch with french toast, snuggle time with the cutest munchkin I know, snuggling on the couch with some tea while the snow falls, and getting out in the sunshine.

I tried out the wrap so that I had some uninterrupted Ali time one our way to brunch yesterday morning. Isn't she the cutest? It had been about 2 weeks since I had seen her and she is so much more alert and has so much more personality since the last time I saw her!

I settled in for a nap tea as I watched the storm outside: 
The next morning we woke up to this:
 So naturally Tom busted out the oldest, puffiest coat in the closet and we tackled the driveway. It was our first night where the "snow ban" was in place, so we couldn't park on the road. It's going to be tricky coordinating our schedules with the upstairs neighbors since I call it a night SUPER early and they often don't get home until 10-10:30 pm.... We'll see how many times we have to get up out of bed to rearrange the parking order in the driveway :)
 The snow banks were already quite high by the end of it!
 Then we tested out our snow shoes for the season on a GORGEOUSLY sunny sunday morning.

 We are quite pleased with our investment and hope to get out many more times this season.
 Look at the beautiful half-frozen lake in Lincoln Woods State Park.
 Tom went to go see just how solid it was
 He stopped before it cracked completely, so the shoes are still dry :)
 We decided a few things on our first outing: 1. We need a better (warmer) pair of gloves, 2. We both need to have boots that go above our ankles, 3. I might be investing in a chin warmer too because when the breeze gets going, that's what gets cold the fastest.
All in all we're braving the New England Winter and so far, so good!
