One month later, finally another post

 What happens when you transition off of the MICU rotation and into a clinic rotation? A lot of things happen and you don't take the time to blog about it :) 

On an typical day in the MICU I'd have an average of 10-20 requests per hour. Here's a representative sample:
"Can you put in an order for the blood cultures in 9?"

"Hey Deanna, the family from bed 15 is here and they'd like to have that discussion about hospice that you guys talked about yesterday."

"Radiology is on the phone, can you talk to them?"

"Deanna, here's the death packet for bed 12. You also need to call the organ bank within the hour to make sure they're not a candidate for organ donation."

"The potassium is 3.1. You ordered 40mEq, you sure you don't want to order 80?" --that was a common occurrence, the RN's fact checking my orders and make sure I did it right! I am so grateful for them to be my eyes and ears and double checking me with every order I would write. 

After my final night, I finished work at 8 AM on Tom's birthday. I surprised Tom with tickets to a  Mets game in NYC. We took off for the city (of course with me catching up on sleep while en route).
 The day was absolutely gorgeous. A perfect day for a ball game!

 The mets crushed it--scoring double digits, in a baseball game! Even with a home run so we got to see the apple in the outfield that they raise with every home run.

 We explored Queens and noted several odd things along the way. For example, Costco was in a complex with TJMaxx and a parking garage. What?
 Apparently you have to be told in NY to "Wait for Green." Because, the basic red, yellow, and green lights just aren't self explanatory enough.
 We caught the Seahawks game at a local restaurant. We were going to catch it at a traditional Seahawks bar but we didn't want to drive to Manhattan and have to deal with parking. So, that meant we ended up at a cute little place in Queens.
 Like I said on Facebook, the city skyline was beautiful at dusk, but I was happy to be going home and driving away from the city :)

 We also got to check out a little local theater called Cable Car Cinema. It's downtown in Providence and has the cutest little theater complete with couches in the theater! And you're able to bring in any sort of food that you want.
It's cozy and it's only $8 on Monday nights, so we'll definitely be back.

 Here is a place I've been spending a lot of time lately. It's the cozy library in the hospital where I go to do charting before and after clinic. Many people have told me that I'd likely be napping in this spot. So far, no zzz's have actually occurred there, but I can see how they could potentially happen in the future.
 The last husky game we baked Challah and Tom enjoyed a GIANT chicken sandwich complete with a mashed potato layer....

 Last week we were joined in Providence by the Glassman family. I took so few photos on my phone (Tom took them all, so I'll need him to upload his photos on this post). As is customary, I took pictures of food. They arrived after having taken the red eye, so we met up for breakfast on their first morning at a place called the South End Buttery. Everything from the atmosphere to the food was incredible!
That night we took in a Providence tradition, Waterfire! It was a particularly brisk night, but good to take in the festivities.

The pictures don't do it justice, you can't see or feel the ambience it creates to have fires and torches all around the river front.

 Mid-week we were able to head off to one of my favorite restaurants in town, Hemenways. They have the most incredible lobster bisque!
 Tom dined on lobster macaroni and cheese - in a lobster!!!
Then we ventured to the Providence performing arts center for one of my favorite shows of all time- Wicked!
 The theater was stunning, and much larger than I thought it would be.
 The stage looked the same as when we saw it before and in some ways that made me even more excited to see it!
 The fourth year residents at my program just recently had a special occasion too. They matched into fellowship (the next stage of training after residency). We had a party for them after work, and I had just enough time after clinic got out one day to be able to jog down to the river front and back. It's amazing how different it is to be near water.
 The fellowship match day party was at this adorable old-fashioned bowling alley with duck pins and assistants at the end of the lane to set up the  pins after you knock them down (well...some of us were able to knock them down, I'm sure you can guess whom)
 Here's the fourth year class. The match rates were incredible. We had two residents match to Brown for maternal fetal medicine and gynecology oncology. Others matched at Johns Hopkins for gyn-onc, Michigan for family planning, and UCLA for maternal fetal medicine. Look at the happy crew!
 There were so many adventures we embarked on with Tom's parents here, but again it was all documented by Tom. We had plenty of amazing meals, got to explore the spooktacular scene at the zoo with incredibly carved pumpkins, and enjoy some of the best ice cream that Rhode Island has to offer. 

the nice weather left after the Glassman's did, but that didn't stop us from getting into the woods. I worked both Saturday and Sunday after the they left but Sunday was a night shift. We decided that I could take a long nap after we explored Purgatory chasm.
 The park rangers told us that we "shouldn't go through the chasm because it's so dangerous." Well, it's more like guidelines anyway right?

 This part of the chasm was called the corn crib.
 The fall felt so real with all of the rain, mushrooms, and clean air!
After the night shift I had Colombus day off. A short nap and we were off again with friends to the apple orchard.
 Once again we were delighted to have an incredible sunny and beautiful day.
 There were sunflowers at the edge of the orchard that were free for the picking and they were stunning in the glowing sunlight!
 After we got our fill of apples we helped Chi Fong and Karen prepare for the little one on the way by utilizing the truck to get the crib.
 Then we enjoyed amazing home made dumplings.

 Trust me, they were delicious! With that, we are ready for the next round of visitors to Rhode Island :). My parents join us next week. I'm soaking in the daylight hours while I still get to before I start working night shifts.
