Is it the fall? or is it August?

We had an absolutely splendid week this week for so many reasons!
1. The east coast decided that it wanted to pretend that it isn't actually Fall, but that it wanted to hang on to summer for at least one more week (seriously, I'm talking highs near 80!)
2. I started my second week of vacation from work
3.  We got t experience more fun with friends before #4 happened :)
4. My parents got to join in on my vacation week (that I was able to trade around with my co-residents so that I was actually off when they were here!)

First of all, check out the beautiful leaves on the hospital campus. In contrast with the gorgeous blue sky, I was taken with them. And, because I'm finishing out my final week of the clinic rotation, I'm actually able to step foot OUTDOORS during the middle of the day to get a glimpse of them.

Friday night last week we joined Chi-Fong and Karen for another traditional dish that I had never had -- Hot pot! With significant help from Chi-Fong to help decipher the menu, we selected a range of things. She continually pushes me outside of what I would have ordered on my own. For example, our selections included frozen tofu (it was even better than the fresh tofu!) and mushrooms called tree ear fungus. Of course we had more traditional selections like pork and lamb as well.
The meal itself was therapeutic. We sat around the hot pot in the middle of the table and let our selections boil to deliciousness.

The following night I had my last night shift before vacation actually started. We enjoyed the morning on a walk around a new park. I think this one was called Wolfe Hill? I can't remember. What I do remember was the gorgeous weather
We got to do a little "leafing" in the process. 
I worked my night shift and learned that the 24 hour call shifts in my future are going to be rough (well, I guess I didn't learn that, I already knew that). Here's what my senior residents looked like at approximately 3:30 AM during the last 4-5 hours of their 24 hour shift:
I chose not to think too hard about it, because I was headed into vacation! The following day we got to enjoy some Seahawks football, but unfortunately we had to seek out the game at a bar

We dined at a place called Snookers. Despite the somewhat unfortunate name, we had a GREAT time! We even came across some fellow Seahawks fans that had just flown in from Edmonds, WA to go leafing :)
Following the game we continued our date night at another theater in Providence called the Vets. We had tickets for the comedy show of Colin Mochrie and Brad Sherwood (stars of whose line is it anyway from back in the day). 

I already had an amazing weekend despite a call shift, and so I knew that the week to follow was going to go well.Tom and I met my parents in Boston after they arrived and our first stop was Bova's bakery (obviously!) 
so that dad could get his lobster tails that he's been dreaming about since he left the east coast in June!
Finger licking good!
It was just the start of an amazing week of delicious food, great sights, and wonderful company. We got to explore Cape Cod
Where we spotting whales, giant jelly fish and seagulls, and a fox! (sorry, only photos of a few of these natural wonders).
This mural displays the kinds of whales we think we saw, but we're not claiming to be experts--we just know that we saw them!
We were on a quest to find the best lobster roll in the area, and we tried out quite a few, just to be sure that we found the best ones :)
How cute is the downtown of cape cod?
We also enjoyed some of THE BEST ice cream we had ever tasted while were in downtown cape cod. If you ever find yourself there, you MUST go to this place :)
Maybe this photo gives you some idea of how delicious it was. 
We experienced the "Spooktacular" display of pumpkins at the Roger Williams Park Zoo (Round 2 since we did that with Tom's parents too...but it was well worth seeing again!)
We didn't waste any opportunity to try out some of the delicious Italian food on Atwell's avenue, the "little Italy" of providence. 
As a late birthday gift for dad and an early birthday celebration for mom we also spent an evening learning how to make gnocchi, amazing salad dressing, and juicy oven baked chicken in the home of Profressor Chef. 

Our teachers for the evening just happen to live less than 3 blocks from our home. We all walked out the door for a sunset stroll and ended up at a house in the neighborhood. 
Much to my parent's surprise, we were going in for an evening of culinary fun!
Even my parents learned a few tips and tricks :)

and we all learned that we need to go out and buy this balsalmic vinegar---and FAST! It was a delight for the tastebuds. 
We nearly rolled out of the house because we were so full. But not so full that we could say no to a quick bite of the Sfogliatelle. I had told the chef before we booked that my dad wanted to learn how to make them. She informed me that most placed don't even make them in-house because it's such a long process. But she went out of her way to purchase some from Scalio Brother's bakery in Providence so my dad could experience the real deal. 

Good thing we had lots of miles to walk off as we went apple picking...
...and exploring the mansions in Newport. We toured 5 in one afternoon--a tall feat that most people don't have the stamina to do---but that didn't stop us!

 The photos do not do them justice, but I took a bunch anyway

 It was the details that made it so spectacular

 They all had these audio tour headsets and it was a really fantastic way to explore together.
 All of the tubs were my favorite features of the mansions

 We all wanted to tour the servant's quarters, but alas they were off limits...
 Look at the size of these kitchens!

 Here's my favorite bedroom that we saw

 I think seeing them in the foreground is a good perspective of how big the mansions really are.

 This was hand painted LEATHER on the wall!

 Hands down my favorite living space was this solarium
 This great hall in the marble house was breath taking. Can you see why it was called the marble house?
 The tub was so thick you had to fill and empty it three times before it would actually stay warm because the marble would chill the water so much.
 This was the servants entrance that we all found to be quite magical
 One of the few selfies we took of all of us this week
 It was a week full of pastries, sunshine, smiles, and memories! Can't wait for the next round, whenever that may be!

