The reality of being an intern

I remember as a medical student (a title I still held a whopping one month ago) thinking often how "how do the residents do it?" In some ways, after my first week I already see how, and yet simultaneously still wonder.

It was a long week. I was on from Sunday to Friday and that meant I was in house for approximately 80ish hours. With the sun coming up so early and staying up so late it makes it easier but I won't go so far to as to call it easy. 

My typical day (which, by the way "typical  doesn't really exist for me yet") starts in the hospital at 5 so I'm out the door by 435-445. Now, once I get faster and more confident and efficient it will be later. Then I round on post partum patients, seeing how they are doing after delivery. After that I'm in the ER, affectionately called triage, until I'm called upstairs for a delivery, whether it be vaginal or cesarean sections. 

This week I was the vaginal delivery died call and my co intern Nick was on for Csections. But by the end of the weeks I still ended up with one c section under my belt (that I complete from initial incision to closing!)

As you may have gathered from Facebook, I'm being thoroughly supported through it all. Tom has showered me with love, hugs, food, and surprises this week. I can't even really describe how grateful and indebted I feel!

One of The best surprises is coming home to food on the table each night whethe I come home at 630 or 8! 

Another amazing surprise last night was this 

I didn't think I'd get to garden this summer because I wouldn't have time god if up the grass to put it in. But Tom did all the back breaking hard work and I just got to come and complete the blank canvas! 

The can a was complete w my favorite flower too, as if it couldn't have gotten better :)

So today was filled with planting fun. With Lowes just down the street it was ridiculously easy to get more than what I needed :)

On the list: zucchini, cucumber, tomatoe,carrots,green and purple beans,snap peas,carrots, spinach, letters and a few herbs like oregano and basil 

It's the first time I've planted zucchini from such large starts but I'm so grateful for the chance to have anything growing!

The weekend kept getting better as Tom and I explored a state park just north of is 

Today we also ventured 13 miles off the coast of Rhode Island to Block Island

We caught the ferry from this beach (well, we were actually late for the one we intended to catch...but we got the next one)

We didn't have any specific plans for the 10-square mile island except to explore on foot and try our hand at snorkeling in the Atlantic :)

We arrived and immediately felt like we were on vacation mode with all the cute little houses and inns. We only wished we were staying for the whole weekend instead of just a few hours

Look at how cute these places were! It was almost like a movie set

We wandered until we found a good spot to try out the water

We went for it and let's just say the water was a bit colder than Bonaire and Hawaii!  But we did it, we saw some fish and we were ready to walk and explore some more.

The Southeastern Lighthouse was beautiful.

The clouds rolled in but it didn't stop us from enjoying ourselves. As you saw on Facebook we dined like royalty before we went aboard the ferry to go home! Home made ice cream and hot lobster rolls to cap off an incredible day!

Weekends are a GOOD thing for the soul, the body, and the mind!
