Soaking in the rays on the bay

Every day in residency I start out the day not sure what I'm going to face, or what adventure awaits. And my days off are no different it turns out. 

Friday after work we dined at Los Andes, a Brazilian and Peruvian restaurant  with amazing food and GIANT portions!
Saturday we started our adventure on a walk at India point park. 
We learned that there is a free sunrise yoga in the park on Wednesdays and Saturdays in the summer time (alas, we were too late to join though). 
We walked along the East Bay Bike Path 
across the bridge 
and we scoped out a new venue for my parents next B&B :)
Tom is trying to convince me that we should get bikes for the bike path...but I prefer to walk on this beautiful path
Then it dawned on me--my program director had offered to let us use his kayaks and I hadn't taken him up on it. I got on my phone, sent and email and next thing you know I had a response in the inbox on how to access them. 
The gorgeous day was not lost on us as we explored Naragansett Bay
with the blue crabs just below us in the water
We kayaked to Gaspee Point, about 45 minutes from our take off point. 
I decided about half way in that I wanted to get in to cool off. So, I did. And Tom did too, but not necessarily how he wanted to (I kind of pulled him in...). 
In the process we flipped (okay, I flipped) the boat. And I lost my sunglasses in the process too.But we got the boat flipped upright (and managed to NOT lose the cell phone that we had wrapped in a ziplock bag inside of a sealed bag of sunflower seeds). Truly an adventure!

While washing the dishes last night I saw this cute little squirrel staring back at me. 
Well, I thought he was cute until an hour later when I saw him digging around in my garden. That was enough! So, of course, I had to fight him off with my best weapon--a broom :)
Tom caught me in the act of fending off our garden 
and I'm embarrassed to say I don't look particularly attractive while I do it :). Perhaps over-protectiveness of my garden is  not my best quality.
Once again we planned on ending the evening at another the Rustic Drive in but again our plans were thwarted by a night of rain...So we had breakfast for dinner and joined our friends from residency (I say our friends because they aren't just my friends :).
One week of oncology down, three weeks to go (with a week of vacation sandwiched in there as one of them!!!).
