Golden weekend, golden sun

Not sure how, but it happened again--another golden weekend. I am almost ashamed to admit it (like shh, don't tell anyone that I got two of them in a row--it's like treason or something in residency!). Well, now the word's out and I am happy to say that once again we had a great weekend spent almost entirely outdoors!

It all started Friday night with a nice BBQ
followed by an attempted trip to the drive-in movies that was aborted by lighting bolts. But we went to get Awful Awful's instead.
We were able to enjoy the air mattress in the truck bed regardless of the fact that we didn't get to watch a movie. Chi Fong and I even braved the back end for a joy ride for the <2 blocks back home from the creamery but shhh don't tell the cops that live on our block (who probably saw us drive by). 
Tom and I tackled something HUGE this weekend. We summitted Rhode Island's highest point--Jerimoth Hill
Now, before you get too excited, recognize that it is a whopping 812 feet. 
And, you basically drove up that high and then walked on flat ground for about 400 yards to reach the "summit." 
Here's my incredible awkward face --- I'm almost too embarrassed to post it, but I think it's a nice parallel to how embarrassing it is that the highest point is less than 1000 feet up and you don't even have to hike to it!
So, given that this was a bust, Tom and I tried again for a hike in a Weetamoo forest. Despite the strange name (that I'm not even sure I wrote correctly from memory just now), it promised roughly 5 miles of forest and exploration. Alas, we didn't get more than 100 feet down the trail before we were nearly swallowed up by mosquitos, flies, and gnats. We have the itchy red spots to prove it!

So we wound up in Fall River, Massachussetts. I'm not even sure what led us there. But we were both amused when we saw their city flag. "The Scholarship City" sounds so regal. Until you see the fine print under it: "We'll try."
But we wandered past the maritime museum (being too cheap to pay the $18 per person fee to get on the ship). 
There was also a great waterfront park with beautiful statues and memorials
Then we joined my co-intern Nick at his apartment which happens to have a pool. I neglected to get a photo because we were too busy enjoying the pool time. Afterwards we joined some of the upper level residents for a BBQ complete with corn-hole. After a rousing battle, Tom and I lost in the third match to Nick and another WIMPSS (women and infants medical partners, spouses, and significant others) named Rickie.  We enjoyed the nice weather, good food, and great company until after the sun went down!
Today was more exploring, after some much needed gardening time this morning of course! We wandered through the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) museum. What a great crew of art explorers we were :)
 We were all a little amazed when we saw the museum was complete with works by Monet and Picasso
And we felt right at home when we spotted this Chihuly!
We had a snack at a local bar and then went off to explore the private RISD beach. Supposedly you can't go on it without a Brown or RISD identification. No one asked to see ours, but the beach was deserted enough that I think the "private beach" signs deterred people away.  
Another glorious weekend. I finish up my last day of my OB rotation tomorrow and then I switch to gynecology oncology. Nick has been my partner in crime on this first rotation and it's going to be really strange adjusting to a new rotation without him just around the corner in his cowboy boots!
