Officially official and house photos too!

Well, that's a wrap. I finished my last day of orientation today and tomorrow is the big day where I am an MD, practicing medicine, for the first time!

One more outing we had as a group of interns was to go to the Pawtucket Paw Sox game (not to be confused with the Boston red sox).


With the end of orientation, the end of putting together the apartment and feeling settled has also arrived. Well, almost completely settled. There's always one or two more things that need tweaking. 

But, I figured you'd all like to see what our place looks like, so here ya go! (admittedly not in a very nice order and also somehow missed getting a photo of the dining room!).
 Guest bedroom, aka Deanna's closet room because that allows for her to get dressed in the crazy morning or evening hours she'll be needing to get dressed and not disturb Tom.

 The beautiful kitchen complete with butcher's block that we got gifted to us.

 Tom's desk
 The living room

 Front hall
 12th man flag hanging proudly
 Front porch chairs, thanks to mom and dad!

 The BEST jewelry organizer a girl could hope for. Thanks Kristi!
 Master bedroom, complete with the King size bed we were also gifted.
 Deanna's desk
Living room
It's a really big day tomorrow. I will be at the hospital ready to go by 5 AM. Hopefully I can catch some sleep tonight!
