Graduations and celebrations

It's official. There are now two doctors in the house! I apologize for how long it has been since I updated the blog but it turns out that moving our lives across the country, saying goodbyes to old friends, and getting our graduation ceremonies underway took up all of my free time!

Tom got to go first, which was ironic because even though he graduated from law school on May 14th, he didn’t get to finish up his time at Seattle University until Jun 9th (when he took his LAST FINAL EVER) for his master’s in finance.

Before his ceremony we had a lovely time taking family photos at Magnuson Park. I haven't saved them all from the online gallery so I can't post them on the blog but I have this one from my phone that the photographer's husband took while our actual photographer was taking the photo.

 Diana had the idea of taking the photos in Magnuson as a way of us being able to say goodbye to a place that was good for our souls these past four years. Thank you Diana! And, it was good that we got some Glassman family photos because they hadn't had any taken since Tom was in high school!

On graduation day we had a very decorated graduate on our hands. Here he is sporting his master's and doctoral hoods as well as his medal for being in the Alpha Sigma Nu Honor Society and his cords for  (1) being in the student government and (2) for his work on the Seattle Journal for Social Justice. Whew! I think I got them all straight.
 A special honor for both Tom and John was the fact that John was able to hood Tom at the ceremony. Here they are practicing before the big moment on stage.
 Despite the ceremony being in such a large venue like the Key Arena, I was amazed at how intimate it really felt and we were able to sit right up close and take it all in.
Tom's classmate, Siri, gave one of the best speeches I've had the pleasure of listening to during a graduation ceremony. One of the many remarks he gave really hit home: our job isn't to provide a service, it is to serve. It was a beautiful reminder that we have had the privilege to gain a higher education and with that privilege comes a big responsibility!

Here's the to the Seattle University School of Law class of 2016! I've never felt more comfortable or at home in a room full of lawyers before :)
 Everyone had an emotional hug with Tom that day, but this was the only one I caught on camera. Tom's namesake, Ann's late husband, would truly be proud!
 He finally got to ditch the huge (and hot!) gown and start the celebration!

 We all enjoyed  a lovely (albeit chilly and rainy) afternoon at the rental house in Seattle where Tom found his place behind the grill cooking up brats and burgers for the family.

It’s hard to believe that we even got the chance to go to Hawaii with all of the events of life going on right now. But we did, and we enjoyed it to the fullest starting from the morning after Tom's graduation! Not a day went by where we didn’t hike to a gorgeous view or waterfall, and snorkel with fantastic tropical fish. More on that coming up in the next post, soon to follow!
