Father Daugher Road Trip

We did it. We successfully drove 2700 miles together across the country!

Approximately $48 in tolls, two hotel room stays (and one night in Kristi's place in Billings), one delicious burger in North Dakota, and some questionable food in the midwest (our own fault) and NO flat tires, break downs, or other car troubles, we made it.
 Oh, and we had a functional radio, but no CD player and yet we managed to not annoy one another, not get sick of each other, or get bored! It's like we love each other or something :)

Dad even put up with my snot-filled nose since I got a cold while we were driving!

North Dakota was beautiful, more so than I expected, and a lot more green than I thought it would be this time of year.
 I was longing for the Beach, so I guess this sign would have to do.
 The biggest bison (or was it a cow?) in the state. Too bad we didn't have time to stop and look around at all sorts of things on the way.
 Our lunch spot in Fargo, ND..or maybe it was Bismarck. I can't even remember.
 Dad even got a free pint with lunch!
 We hit Minnesota and were ready to keep cruising

so we went all the way over into Wisconsin 
 We dined at an incredible caribbean restaurant-the perfect escape from a long day of driving.

 Peek-a-boo from the hotel!
 We fueled up in more ways than one on day 2 of our journey!

 Once again, on our second day of driving we passed through 4 states!

 A little skyline of buffalo New York
 A little detour on our last day to Niagra Falls

 We were pretty excited when we got to Massachusetts (but not excited about all the tolls).
 Our final destination felt so sweet!
 But, as true Malikie's we couldn't just relax when we got to my house, we immediately went to work setting things up.
 The u-haul made it from Seattle.
 And was basically just as we had left it--jammed full!
 Our reward for unwarding the u-haul was homemade mexican fare with delicous tortillas!
 Oh, and of course, a lobster tail at La Salle Bakery
 One of the outgoing residents even donated some incredible new furniture to our cause! Here's how we felt after picking it up, moving it, and setting it up again.

 Another amazing donated item: a butcher's block :)
 Italian food was a must, so we dined in little italy.
 The morning before dad flew out of Boston in the evening we decided to explore Providence a bit

 The state house made for a nice tour

 But nothing could beat the lobster bisque at Hemenway's downtown!
 After parting ways with dad, I spent time at IKEA, BJ's (the costco replacement out here) and also at a welcome BBQ at the program director's home!
 Here's the outgoing residents all gathering around and ready to graduate. The setting was incredible inside the hand painted pool house of the program director that's for sure!
 Look at the view!
More to come as I've already met and spent a lot of time with my co-interns and we're about to go out and experience a Providence tradition known as Water Fire. You'll see what that's all about later!
