
What a weekend. Although I got a ton of sleep and did not do much in the way of activity, I feel totally wiped out! This week finally settled the deal for me and Tom in terms of the next four years of our lives. We will be moving to Providence, Rhode Island for my OB/GYN residency at Brown University. Although it wasn't a shock since I ranked them #1 on my list, it is still surprisingly intense news to learn! 

Here is how match day played out. First, we wake up to a gorgeous sun shiny day! This allowed us to take our traditional walk from our free parking spot on the east side of campus, along the waterfront edge, down to the south campus center where the frivolity was set to take place. 
Upon arrival there were already several hundred people gathered around. The tension in the air was palpable. The coveted envelopes with the contents that will change our lives forever were laid out nicely in rows of tables. 
 There was a ribbon around the tables and we weren't able to go and physically touch them until the clock truck just a few minutes shy of 9am. Under the black curtain at the front of the room was a huge map with pins in it displaying where we had all matched which wouldn't be unveiled until we had opened our envelopes (so no one could do any deductive reasoning and figure out early).
I was able to stand near my envelope and stare at it for what felt like an eternity.
Thankfully Tom was at my side for the big moment 
You can see from the photos just how intense and anticipated the moment was for my classmates. People were texting like crazy to their family and friends around the country, nerves were high and many people were on the verge of bursting into tears. 
The moment finally arrived and the envelopes were torn open in a mad rush and the room was subsequently filled with joyous outbreaks, tears, smiles, laughter, sadness, hope, anxiety, joy, surprise, shock, disappointment, excitement --all at the same time. 
For me, it was a feeling of relief, joy, excitement, disbelief that it was finally real (and so much more!). 
My sister-in-crime through this whole journey, Barbara, also matched into obgyn. She will be staying at UW. We shared so much through the last year and sharing this moment across the alphabetized tables was just so sweet. 
Tom made the moment even more special by having new gear from Brown University ready to go. This included an incredible down jacket as well as a classic "brown bear" that is tradition for people to receive when they get accepted to Brown. 
My classmates were scattered all over the country with this match, and I was one of the few people destined for the east coast. 
After the ceremony ended we were sure what to do with ourselves. We decided to take a walk with DeeDee and her fiancĂ© Matt to the quintessential cherry blossoms on UW campus. 
DeeDee matched into emergency medicine and will be staying here at the UW. 
For me, it was bittersweet to know (officially) that I'll be saying goodbye to UW 
But I'm also so excited to be saying hello to Brown and the huge new adventure that awaits for us in Rhode Island (a state I never really imagined I would visit, let alone live in for 4 years!!). 

We took off from campus and joined the Glassmans at Tutta Bella pizzeria for a lovely lunch celebration. 
We toasted the news and reviewed a few other envelopes that Tom and I had been waiting to open for quite a few months. These envelopes contained the guesses that Tom and I had for things about the interview trail, such as how many hotels I would stay in, how many flights I would take, how much the season would cost us, etc. Surprise, Tom won that competition :). Also, Tom had previously predicted that I would end up matching at Stanford! Oh how different it played out in reality. 
When it was all said and done, we were exhausted and we retreated to our happy place: Magnuson park. We layed in the sun under blue skies and trees and soaked it all in. 

As nightfall set in, we joined several classmates for a meal higher in quality than many restaurants we've been to! Scallops, risotto, salad, fruit, and homemade bread. It was a good ending to a great, but long and exhausting day. 
How long of a journey it has been. Just yesterday I was reading over my journal entry from one year ago (to the day) and I was rejoicing because I had spent time with Tom and our whiteboard at home going over all of the possible specialties I could go into. I was able to narrow it down to three or four which felt like a huge success, but I also knew that I had so far to go. Now, after having made my choice, and knowing where I am going to go to train for that choice--it's all surreal. Please know that depsite moving across the country, Tom and I both love you all and will miss you terribly as we start this big journey that will lead to me becoming the kind of physician I am going to be. 
