Baby Lawson

I anxiously awaited the arrival of my nephew since my last post. Well, first I anxiously debated over my rank list that was due on 2/24. I ended up submitting my list while at work, which was sort of a surreal feeling. I didn't think it would be stressful since I had been thinking about it for over 2 months and I had a good idea of what I wanted. Well....I was wrong. It was immensely stressful, and emotional! There were so many elements to consider and all of them seemed to be of different importance, quite possibly of equal importance! So, when 6 pm finally rolled around and I had submitted, I was so relieved. The relief was made even better when I opened the mail box to find a care package from my sister (who by the way got it together and mailed it to me while 40 weeks pregnant!) She's already a super mom. I indulged in the carmel and slept well that night!
We also indulged in another celebration--dinner on opening weekend at a new burger joint that just opened up in the sand point neighbrhood (dangerously close to home I might add). It's called Great State Burger. I'll admit, they were pretty great!
With the anxiety of my rank list over, of course I had something else to worry about :). Right around Kristi's due date, I was really anxious that I wouldn't be able to go visit until he was almost a week old. Seattle did what it could to reassure me with gorgeous sunsets and blooming daffodils over Pikes Place Market.

It turned out that he arrived at probably the most convenient and perfect time of medical school! Labor went on without me in town, but went splendidly well (easy for me to say right?)
Nanna and Pappa arrived in time to see him before he was several hours old (and thankfully weren't pulled over for their rapid travel). 
I just started a half-time clinic rotation on leap day (three days after his due date) and was able to leave earlier than expected to go over to Billings to meet the adorable Lawson James by his 29th hour of life! I arrived to unseasonably warm temps, excited for a cute-overload. 
I got what I was looking for! I stepped in the door and was met by the beautiful, wonderful, brand new baby boy. 
I instantly loved all 8 pounds of him, cone head, puffy eyes and all!
The best part of the first day in Billings was that I got to share it not only with mom and dad, but with Pappa and Nanna too! 
He was welcomed excitedly by all and had a gorgeous new nursery to call home too. 
He was so tiny he even fit inside the O in his name!
The next few days were a blur of snuggles and watching him grow. I swear, he got cuter by the minute!
In between feeds and things to do around the house, I got to soak in the rays of the crazy warm weather in Billings! It was nearly 72 degrees each day I was there. Lawson was rejuvinating as it was, but the sun magnified that renewal! (Thanks Kristi for the borrowed sunglasses that I didn't think to bring to Billings in the winter)
By 72 hours he was even cuter and ready for his first outing to the pediatrician 
He weighed in at the 50th percentile, with a length in the 62nd percentile. Right on target!
To celebrate, we went out for ice cream and came home for a much needed nap!
He was doing so well, sleeping for long stretches in the night and either silently sleeping or quietly awake and alert. Well, on Sunday he started to realize all the struggles that come with living in the world--namely digestion! He got progressively more fussy and we had to find all sorts of ways to soothe him. One of them? Riding in the stroller!
But, it couldn't just be on pavement, it had to be over the rocky part of the road so he got all sorts of bumps. He also seems to like being rapidly lifted and dropped up and down. It's a work out for us, and a soothing rhythm for him! 

Bailey and Kelty are adjusting to their new housemate and I'm not sure they know how to process it yet, but they are handling it quite well. 
As for me, I didn't handle leaving very well. It was so hard to say goodbye to this new little life and the new family that was just created. I miss him already and it's only been one day since I left! Between his new baby smell, his adorable pouty face, sweet fingers and toes....I could just go on and on about how cute he is. I only wish I didn't live two states and several mountain passes away. Until May (maybe April)...I will just have to rely on photos, texts, and maybe some facetime to watch this little guy grow!
