Much needed quality time

It's nearly the half way point of my emergency medicine rotation.  I have successfully transitioned from the night shift to the early morning shift thanks to a little help from my amazing hubby who put up with the most bizarre sleep patterns and schedule this week! The shifts themselves have been fine, it's the hours in between where my body doesn't know whether it's morning or night that have been tough :). But it's just good practice for residency!
So, when the opportunity arose for a date night that worked in both of our schedules, we went for it! I am working weekends this month (save for Super Bowl sunday) so it had to be a weeknight. I decided to surprise Tom with dinner and a show. It was the first successful surprise I've given him in a while (either I always give it away or he figures it out with his wits :). 
Prior to the date night I spent the day in a hands in simulation session at UW and Harborview learning all about how to use ultrasound in an emergency setting. I learned what is called the FAST exam, an apt abbreviation for the quick bedside scan that's done in the ER when someone has been in a traumatic accident. We got to practice on one another and therefore I got a free screening of my heart, liver, kidneys, and spleen--and I'm happy to say they look normal ;). I also learned how to place an IV under ultrasound guidance and how to place a central line when patients needs very close monitoring in the ICU. And, now I feel a little bit less like it's all just "black and grey dots, blobs, and squiggles" on the screen. The day was packed full of learning, almost like I'm in medical school or something :)
I picked Tom up at the court after work and we headed out for a very "Seattle" evening.

We dined at Il Bistro, a very cute Italian place that I was convinced was "only for touritsts" because it's located right at Pikes place. It turns out, it's definitely not just for tourists!
After initially being seated next to a large, rather loud but happy family, our waiter decided to move us to the best seat in the house! See that corner booth tucked away in it's own little nook? That was us! 

The candlight, flowers, bread and butter made us regret that we only had about an hour to dine if we were going to make it to the show on time. 
After filling ourselves with house-made gnocchi and penne pasta we splurged on some tiramisu for dessert. The cream layer was particularly delicious-- pretty much finger licking good. If you want a nice atmosphere for some good-feeling-but-full-of-butter food, this is your place!
After that I spilled the beans to Tom that we were headed to a show that I had the opportunity to see in London with my family but he had never seen in person: STOMP! 

What a fun theatrical experience. I assume you know what it is, but in case you don't: it's a group that uses only objects that could be found on the street, in a janitors closet, or in the trash, to make music. It's incredibly entertaining and almost impossible not to clap or tap your feet along to. It's only in Seattle for about 4 days so when I saw it was coming to town I snatched up tickets right away. 
We were tapping along with the clip-clap of my shoes on the walk home that's for sure. Particularly when walking back through pikes market after it was all shut down and quiet. We both couldn't remember a time where we had seen it quite so deserted. There was something almost magical about it. 
While it was a late night for Tom to get off to work this AM, we both felt so grateful for a night to sit, relax, eat together and be able to exchange more words than"good night" or "good morning."
So, we'll miss each other again this weekend as Tom is off work and I'm at Harborview for the 6am-2pm shift before I transition next week to the 2-10pm shift. He'll be sticking to his usual routine of out-the-door-by-5:30 to hit the gym and home by 7 on most days (9 pm on Mondays and Wednesdays). He is working incredibly hard and really enjoying his time at judge Tallman's chambers.
Oh, and by the way, it's 48 days from Match day!!
